Chapter 98 Angel here or Above

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"Jake..." Logan spoke softly as he walked into Jake's room. Logan tried collecting himself as much as he could, the call from the hospital earlier that morning had shook him more then any nightmares ever could, being forced into a situation was so much scarier then all the options they'd had before, the situation once again felt too

real the doctors were using terms that scared him and even talked about having a will made, all Logan wanted to do in that moment was leave and pretend everything was fine...

Logan's gaze fell on his little brothers face, soaking in his apperance, thinking of everything that made his brother who he was, it was hard just looking at him now really knowing what was going on...Logan took a deep breath as he approached the bed, he knew going into becoming his brothers caretaker it was gonna be hard, but he'd said what he meant when his doctor tried to talk him out of it;none of the other things he wanted to do really mattered to him if it wasn't alongside his bestfriend....

"Logan?" Jake spoke up his voice sounding tired still, he hadn't expected Logan to come in to wake him up so early, he was using the time in which he thought he was up alone to think, and really let himself feel every emotion he needed to, but seeing Logan made him tense again, although he trusted and loved his brother, he didn't want him seeing him any weaker then he had to.

"Hey buddy..." Logan said sitting down on the bed next to Jake, making it dip slightly, "Hey," Jake replied, Logan tried to smile at him but Jake could tell something was wrong, his eyes gave it away, there was fear there, pain...

"Is something wrong?-" Jake barely got the words out when Logan leaned down wrapping his arms around Jake, he had his arms locked under Jakes bringing his body up to his in a warm embrace, Logan shut his eyes as he tightened his grip holding his little brother, wanting desperately to make this all go away..."Logan what happened?" Jake asked cautiously, the fact that he was holding him like that, the silence, everything about them together right then, it gave him anxiety made the air feel dead and cold...

Jake heard his brother sniffle as he gave him gentle rubs on his back before slowly parting with him, Logan wanted to keep Jake in his arms as long as he could, but he knew they were on a time limit now, and the faster they talked about the faster they could get results...

"There's no easy way to say this bro, but we got to get you to the hospital," Logan quietly told him, "Hospital? Why? Is it time for chemo?" Jake asked curiously, Logan gave him a sad smile, chuckling dryly looking up at the ceiling briefly placing nervous hands on his hips, "Life really sucks right now bro, whys this happening to us...?" Logan spoke softly, mostly meaning to just speak for himself being overcome with emotion, trying to fight back his fear and the tears building in his eyes.

"Jake...I made you a promise, and I'm gonna keep it, I'll be here every step of the way okay?..." Logan turned to look in his brothers confused brown eyes, "I know that bro," Jake told him still sounding a bit unsure, he trusted Logan, but all this talks of the hospital was what was picking at his anxiety, "Did something happen?" Jake asked half wanting an answer,

"Your doctor called...The chemotherapy isn't working the way they thought it was going to," Logan told him slowly, it was like a stab in the heart watching Jake's expressions as he told him, but he knew he had to continue, "They need to stop your cancer before it grows to anywhere else, its either surgery or more drugs, both of which you'd have to stay in the hospital for.." Logan explained watching the broken, disappointed look on his brothers face.

"Theres no other way...?" Jake asked quietly, "Not this time..." Logan reluctantly told him, he put his hand on Jake's shoulder while Jake processed it, "We've got to head up there for whatever decision we make, let's get you ready and have Mark bring overnight bags, and we'll talk there," Logan told him, he didn't want to rush Jake, but he knew how serious everything was and how crucial it was to get Jake some type of treatment, Jake was in too much shock to really ask more questions so he just nodded best he could staring blankly.

This was it, whatever they decided could mean the difference between surviving or not...

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