Chapter 34 Mind and Body

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Erika: Hey, boys, boys? What's going on? You guys and Jake were gone all night!

Anthony: We ran into a bit of a problem...

Erika: What kind?

Chance: We're at the hospital.

Erika: Okay...What happened??

Anthony: Jake's messed up...

Erika: Can I come see him?

Chance: They only let Logan go in, he stayed in there all night.

Erika: Well let me know if he has to stay and if they let any visitors come in.

Anthony: Will do...

Erika: I wanted to let Jake know his manager came over since he wasn't answering any calls, he's worried about Jake's brand, but I guess this won't help the case any...

Anthony: What are you gonna tell him?

Erika: I don't know, I'm just his assistant, I can only stall him for so long...

Chance: Just tell him Jake's sick

Erika: He knows, but if he knows just how sick, I think that would be bad for business...Jake's already hated, if he can't even provide his fans with the crazy content his brand promised, I think he'll get skeptical...

Anthony:What are you going to do?

Erika: Hope Jake's friendly attitude will make people stay, instead of them giving up and thinking his company is crumbling with him...

Chance, Anthony and Evan were still sat in the waiting room, Evan was  sleeping in a bed he made out of two chairs, while they sat there in their chairs just waking up, it had been a rough night for all of them, they hadn't heard if Jake was okay or even seen him from the previous night and the anxiety kept them up till the fatigue finally put them asleep.

"Should we ask around what's happening?" Anthony asked stretching, looking over at Chance, "Yeah," Chance said getting to his feet Anthony following his movements, he could tell Chance was still
really nervous, uncomfortable just being there, Anthony patted his shoulder looking at him, "I'm sure he'll be just fine, Logan would have said something if he wasn't" Anthony told him trying to calm him down a bit, "Yeah...I know, it's just weird being here- We came out to LA thinking it was gonna be blast, like we were gonna make money and party...I don't know" Chance rambled a bit shaking his head,
"Life doesn't always work out the way we thought...Jake's alive, we should be grateful and move forwards" Anthony told him, Chance nodded having things a bit more in perspective again.
Chance and Anthony woke Evan up so the three of them could go looking to ask Nurses if they could see Jake, all hoping for the best whenever they saw him.

Logan had his face down on Jake's bed the rest of his body sitting in the chair beside his bed, his hand was still clinging unto Jake's, Logan had a awful sleep, he kept waking up to make sure Jake was still okay, and unable to really fall asleep the fear and anxiety of anything happening to Jake while he slept attacking his brain.
Logan woke up once again, his hair even more tussled, his eyes were slightly baggy from being tired, he looked at Jake for what seemed like the 100th time since he got there, the machines he was attached to were still chirping and wheezing, Jake was softly breathing still asleep from what Logan could tell.

Logan smiled a little broken smile, "Good morning Jake" Logan said, gently squeezing his brothers hand, his mind hadn't stopped scaring him about Jake's health or replaying old memories, he now desperately missed when Jake would pay him surprise visits to his apartment to wake him for a work out or even to prank him, sometimes before, it was annoying, and he had to admit he even got mad at it and him some times, now he wished that was happening instead of spending the night in the hospital.

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