Chapter 49 Lifeline

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"What happened?" Evan asked coming in sitting next to Logan in the kitchen a drink in his hand,
the sun had set, the apartment was quiet and Logan was settling back at home after his and Jake's long day driving around and being in the hospital.

"Well, Jake has an appointment tomorrow for his first chemo" Logan told him sounding a bit unnerved thinking about the conversations with the Doctor, "Ah," Evan said he could tell from his best friends face he was stressed, "We stopped by his house on our way back to get his stuff and bring it here, he's resting up for tomorrow now" Logan informed him, "Is he uh, moving in?" Evan asked confused, "Yeah, he's staying here while he recovers" Logan said, Evan chuckled a bit taking a sip from his drink, "What's funny?" Logan asked frowning, "Nothing, it's just, I don't remember discussing this" Evan said shrugging, "You can't be serious, Jake's my brother, of course he's staying here" Logan said, "I didn't say he couldn't I ju-" Evan began speaking, but Logan interrupted, "Yeah you didn't say he couldn't or could, you don't make the decisions here!" He snapped.

Silence fell over the room for a while, Logan focusing on his phone and Evan slowly sipping his drink, "I didn't mean anything, it was a joke- you know I like Jake" Evan finally spoke up, Logan ran his fingers through his blonde locks, "I'm just a little out of it right now I guess- Jake's sick, my parents aren't here, we have a early appointment tomorrow I don't know he's gonna react to the medicine.." Logan paused chuckling himself, "I didn't expect to already be stressed" He said still laughing at himself.

"Why don't we go out tonight? Relax a little, I'll get Mark, maybe call up George?" Evan suggested, Logan smiled a little, "Sounds good bro" He said, eager to get back to his life, he got up from the table with Evan, Evan going to knock on marks door and Logan texting George.

Logan: Yo, what's poppin'?

George: Hey Man! I'm chilling, what's up with you?

Logan: Me, Mark and Evan are about to head out, wanna join?

George: Will there be booze?

Logan: Probably? 😂

George: Let's do it!

Logan: Okay, meet us at the movie theater!

George: Gotcha!

Grinning Logan putting his phone away, living in this moment with his friends was calming him down tremendously, no one was sick in their group, and he could just relax and be ready for Jake tomorrow.

Logan did a little shuffle as he went to his room to get ready, he already heard Evan and Mark laughing with each other as they got prepared as well. Logan turned on the light as he entered the room going to get on a nice shirt, jeans and cologne when he heard his bed creak.

Logan turned his attention to it seeing Jake had shifted and was now facing him although his eyes were still shut as he slept, snoring softly, his soft blonde hair tussled out of place, instead of sleeping in underwear like he use to, he wore gray sweatpants and a soft white t-shirt. Logan walked over pulling the blankets over him more tucking him in, seeing him automatically snuggle into their warm embrace, Logan chuckled a bit smoothing Jake's hair from his slightly flushed face gently, "You're gonna be okay kid, I know it,"  Logan said quietly, "You're strong bro- You're the definition of a Maverick! You'll be vlogging, standing on news vans, and pranking me like you use too soon, I'm waiting for your come back, so you better not disappoint me" Logan talked gently to Jake even going so far as to sit beside him on the bed watching him sleep, the concern was there, but it felt good to see him at least able to sleep what looked like peacefully.

"Logan?" Jake muttered waking up, "I didn't mean to wake you bro!" Logan said as Jake wiped his eyes, "Is it time to leave?" Jake asked still in a sleepy daze, Logan laughed at him, "It's still night time Jake, You don't go till the morning" He told him, "Ohhhhh, okay" Jake said yawning, "You know, your a lot better to talk to when your not screaming" Logan told him, "Shut up" Jake told him lazily swinging at him, Logan laughed again moving, "I'll be back later bro, go back to sleep" He said hopping up, "Where are you going?" Jake asked yawning again, "Out with Mark, Evan and George" Logan told him grinning as he grabbed his keys of a dresser spinning them on his finger, "Oh...Okay, goodnight" Jake said turning over, Logan was about to walk out but suddenly felt a pang of guilt, Should he really be going out to party with his friends while Jake was sick in bed?

"I won't be out long?" Logan said unsure of what to really do, "Okay? Good night" Jake said again, "Are you good?" Logan asked with unsurety, Jake turned over frowning, "Yes? What's up with you?" He asked, "Nothing, I was just checking before I leave" Logan said spinning his keys again awkwardly, Jake arched an eyebrow before slowly getting up, "Where are you headed?" Logan quickly asked him, "Bathroom" Jake told him, "Do you feel sick?" Logan asked following him, "No, I feel like I need to pee" Jake told him looking at Logan in a dazed confusion at his questions and fidgety movements, before going to bathroom shutting the door.

"Logan, George is calling us, let's hurry!" Evan said coming in, "Yeah I'm coming, I'm coming" Logan said, he was hesitant about it though, and Evan saw his discomfort, "What's wrong?" Evan questioned, "Nothing, I'll be out soon, I just wanna say bye to Jake" Logan told him, "Okay, I'll be waiting outside with Mark" Evan told him, Logan gave him the keys as he headed out.

Once alone Logan began debating with himself of if he should go or not, Jake was still able to do things for himself, so he shouldn't feel too guilty about leaving him...he'd be asleep the whole time anyways right?

"What are you still doing here?" Jake asked coming out of the bathroom, "I'm about to leave...Just wanted to say goodnight bro" Logan said, "Okay? Goodnight" Jake said laughing a bit, he slowly made his way back to bed, feeling shivers go over his body before putting the blankets back over himself, Logan turned out the lights as he left gently shutting the door.

Logan's anxiety melted away as he got outside; The LA air blowing against him, the bright lights of a lively city and the laughter of his friends beckoning him for a stress-free night. Logan blew out some air and went to get in the car a big smile on his face.

"Let's flippin' party!"  

A/N: Comment what you liked about it #fightingflock !
ILY! Have an amazing weekend! 🐣

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