Chapter 61 Two pathed road

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Logan sat in his car replying to text messages and emails, he could barely keeps his eyes open as he did so. Logan let out a big yawn before scratching through his hair lazily, he still had to manage filming vlogs, finding time to work out, go to meetings and talk to Jeff, his manager, about what new things he was doing with his Maverick brand.

Logan was up early to get work done before Jake was up, they had his chemotherapy that day, which he knew for a fact Jake was not looking forward to at all, he hated having to drag him there, but there wasn't much of another option. Suddenly Logan received a new message, he was going to ignore it and go back in, letting his car run while he went to get Jake up and ready, but he saw who the message was from and got a little surprised.

Erika Costco: Are you up?

Logan: Yeah, not by choice 😂

Erika Costco: Sorry, did I wake you??

Logan: No, I was up to work, gotta grind! 💪

Erika Costco: Oh yeah, for sure 😂

Logan: Sooo, what's up? You trying to join team Maverick? ;:)

Erika Costco: No, I actually wanted to know, if you knew about me and Jake...? 😶

Logan: Dating? Yeah, he told me about it, he hasn't shut up about you, well he didn't before, but you get the picture

Erika Costco: Oh...He talks about me alot?

Logan: Yeah! The kids obsessed 😂

Erika Costco: Oh...Well I just wanted your opinion on a couple?

Logan: My opinion? what am I Jake's father? you want my blessing? 😂👴

Erika Costco: I just mean, from your perspective as brother and caretaker?

Logan: Oh, that, well like I told you when you visited, I think your really good for Jake, he seems like he tries harder now, if that makes sense, the kid was a animal before, but with you, it's like it really clicked something in his brain from: "I really want to get better" to "I HAVE TO GET BETTER"

Erika felt her eyes blur a bit as she looked at the message, she swallowed, her throat seeming to stick together from her nerves, *Stress is a choice* She tried to remind herself, but somehow she couldn't stop the feeling coming over her.

Logan: In a way, I guess I should thank you, I guess I ship #jerika 😂

Erika: Good to know...In really glad Jake's feeling better 😊

Logan: Is that it? Cause I gotta get, Jake's appointment is today, your coming over later right?

Erika: Yeaaah, okay get to it, c u soon.

Logan frowned a little in confusion as he put away his phone, he figured it kinda odd Erika even wanted his opinion, but he didn't really have time to investigate it.

Logan took in a deep breath letting it go as he went back to the apartment, it was dark and quiet, only a few people really awake and moving around, including his apartment security. The faint smell of coffee was in the air, going through the hall as Logan made his way back to his room. Logan was a bit torn of what his attitude was that day, on one hand Jake seemed to be doing better, especially after he began dating Erika, but he was still scared he'd caught some type of cold, which could definitely be hazardous to his recovery.

*Stay positive, Jake's feeling food mentally, and who knows, maybe whatever cold he was catching is gone this morning* Logan tried to bring up his spirits, as he came into Jake's room, to his surprise Jake was awake and dressed.

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