Chapter 83 Vibe with Me

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"I think you should listen to Mark- or at least call your parents, your 22! You don't know anything about this" Ayla said, staring down at Logan as he sat on the couch, he was looking at a guide for caretakers with bedridden patience for some kind of insight on where his journey was headed. Ayla came over later in the evening after cancelling his meetings, to take his dog for a walk, when she heard the news about Jake and what Logan was planning to do.

"Would you guys stop trying to tell me I don't know what I'm doing? Its hard enough as is" Logan said frowning at the things displaying on his screen from his search, "I'm not trying to nag you or anything- but you can't even take care of your dog, your busy, what happens if a major role comes up? Are you just gonna pass up an opportunity?" Ayla questioned, "My only 'major role' is #1:Big brother, #2:Caretaker, and #3:A savage" Logan told her getting up walking across the room, Ayla rolled her eyes following him.

"Okay Mr.Savage, has it even crossed your mind what you'll have to do? If Jake can't move on his own, you'll have to do everything do you know what that means?" Ayla asked following him around, "I've actually been looking at just that," Logan replied in a smarmy tone flashing Ayla with his phone, "Yeah, it looks fine reading it, but its gonna get a lot more hands on then I think your prepared for, you should just hire an inhome nurse" Ayla suggested in a scolding way following as Logan grabbed a towel and was heading to Jake's room.

"Ayla, I love hearing that tiny voice from your equally as tiny body, but I've got this, you have your job, now let me do mine" Logan said with a hand to his chest turning to look down at her from where he stood by Jake's bedroom door, Ayla folded her arms looking up at him still pouting.

"Now walk away- unless you want some nudes" Logan threatened, making Ayla blush scowling as she left with Logan's dog, Logan chuckled a bit at her before he came into the room.

"Ayoo Jakey, you ready?" Logan questioned, he was trying to stay upbeat and keep Jake from feeling weird about the whole thing, but the uncomfortable look on Jake's face as he slowly turned to look at him, reminded him this was gonna be a long journey.

"Bro I know, it sucks, but- what happened to make sure your smilin', make sure your workin' hard, make sure your dabbing on those haters!" Logan said repeating what use to be Jake's vlog intro, trying to lighten the situation. "Erika was dating someone else the whole relationship, she never even liked me, and now I'm some weak cripple with my brother taking care of me, do you really think I want to smile right now?" Jake asked bitterly, Logan's heart sank a little hearing that, before he came and sat by Jake.

"Jake, you aren't weak bro, this isn't your fault, your doing your best" Logan tried to encourage him, "Do you know I just about cried over the phone talking to her a little while ago? I thought the closure would help, but no, now I can't even do anything on my own," Jake began ranting, tone going from mildly dry to irritation.

Logan wanted to jump in and stop him, but guessed it was good to just hear what he had to say, he'd been cramming positivity down Jake's throat to help him...But in the end, maybe it did more harm, Jake obviously was hurt by the situations at hand but he masked everything with a smile usually...

Maybe it was time to stop being afraid of Jake getting emotional, Logan knew deep down he couldn't take it if Jake showed him how hurt he really was, it brought him back to when Jake found out about the disease and almost cried on him, it brought Logan to tears making him feel terrified and helpless watching his baby brother break down...But it was selfish to make Jake act happy all the time for his sake.

"I hate it, I hate everything about it bro, let down after let down...I just-" Jake stuttered at the end, his eyes searching for some sort of help, some clarity that would make it all make sense, he finally closed his eyes letting out a sigh, "I sound crazy..." Jake stated dryly chuckling, "Just a little," Logan joked making Jake look up at him again, "I'm kidding," Logan told him.

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