Chapter 56 Signed for it

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It'd been a week of Jake becoming fully moved into Logan's apartment,
his belongings now stored around the room where Logan's once were, Evan had tried keeping his mouth shut about everything watching as everything slowly changed he was especially upset at the fact he was now sharing a room with Mark now to accommodate Jake having his own room along with Logan. The dynamics of the apartment were different now and constantly changing, Logan had started getting back into his work of vlogging around the house and trying to make it to any meetings or auditions he had stacked up, but his main focus was on Jake, he hadn't gone out with his friends or did much besides keep the place nice for him since when he'd missed Jake's first chemo. Logan seeming a little antsy to do much else, the lingering fear of having to go back for Jake's next check up to see what stage he was in before his secondary dose of chemo weighing on him.

"Good morning Logang, what's poppin'!?" Logan said into his camera, he was stood in his living room holding the camera up to his face, a wide grin on his face, "It is EARLY right now, but you know how we do it, we're up gridin' Yah Yeet!" Logan continued doing the into for his vlog, as he began walking through the place, he tensed inwardly briefly wondering if he was being too loud, he'd started adjusting to trying to keep things quiet and calm now, Jake still wasn't really complaining about anything still, seeming grateful for what he was doing, but he knew his brother too well and could tell when he was in pain, he had to keep in his mind what the doctors were saying about everything;getting worse before it got better,it was what kept him from getting too depressed about it... That and Jake's own positivity towards it all.

"Am I too early?" A small voice sounded coming into the apartment, Logan gasped loudly into his camera before running to the door, "AYLA!" Logan said excitedly making his shorter assistant flinch, "I'm just here to walk the dog" Ayla said, before waving at the camera, "Hi Logang" she said with a little smile, "Can you get me a gainz bowl while your out" Logan asked, "Sure, cause I have a choice, not like it's my job to get you stuff or anything" Ayla replied sarcastically, "Isn't she the cutest" Logan said using one arm to put around her waist lifting her against him, making her shriek covering her eyes as she was lifted right off the ground.

"You're so tiny!" Logan exclaimed laughing, "Logan! Stop, stop!" Ayla struggled, he gently put her down still laughing a bit, while she straightened herself out, huffing at Logan, "While Aylas doing that, I'mma go to the gym, we all about getting swole! Let's get it, Yeet!" Logan yelled before turning his camera off, looking over just in time to see Ayla hooking the leash and harness onto his dog.

"Can you actually go shopping too?" Logan asked, "Yeah, what for?" Ayala asked, both sounding a lot calmer now, Ayla couldn't help but get informed about Jake's condition from working with Logan, she'd tried being as sympathetic as she could without getting too involved or unprofessional though.

"Groceries, I haven't really gone out much, and I don't know how to cook really either" Logan said chuckling a bit, "Easy meals then?" Ayla asked, "I guess," Logan said, "What ever that is" He muttered, "How about I wait for a while, and you make me a shopping list?" Ayla suggested, "Alrighty, I'll go see if Jake wants to request anything" Logan said, Aylas features softened, as she shifted her weight uncomfortably, "How's he doing?" She ventured to ask, "He's doing his best," Logan answered honestly, pondering a bit when he saw Ayla look away nervously, "I can't say how he's doing physically- or mentally really, Jake's a go getter, he's not the type to sit and moan about how he feels, I'll only really know if he absolutely can't do something I guess, until then I'll have to assume, he's hurting, but still going" Logan told her, they got silent for a moment, Ayla debating on what else to say to him.

"I'm sorry, at least he's trying right?" Ayla said smiling nervously, "Yeah, that's my brother always...trying, Logan chuckled lightly looking down at his shoes for a moment as his mind wondered, he had held his breath whenever he had to go check on Jake, scared of coming in to anything different from him sleeping or up trying to stay busy, it was overwhelming to be in a situation that got him this anxious and scared, but to also be the only one that could help with it as he signed to be his caretaker, he rarely had a break, if he wasn't with him he was worried about if he was okay, and when he was he was stressed and didn't know if he was doing everything right, he didn't have much help either aside from Erika, who always knew how to make Jake feel better somehow.

"Sorry- I just-" Logan stuttered a weird laugh as he got out of his thoughts, "It's fine, you're going through a lot" Ayla said quickly, Logan sighed smiling a bit in thanks, "I'll text you the list?" Logan said, "Works for me" Ayla assured, Logan nodded seeing her out waving bye to his dog before they left.
Logan sighed out again, before going to Jake's room, he tensed himself but put a fake smile on his face before turning the knob, not wanting Jake to see him stressed, Logan couldn't let him see it; he wasn't the one sick, he was the older brother, his caretaker.. he signed up for this after all...

A/N:ITS BEEN TOO LONG AND THIS IS SO SHORT AND I'M SO SORRY! Guys I'm working on other projects for you all I swears! Those will be out soon! And I'm also gonna start back posting this more! Again I'm sorry! And I love you!

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