Chapter 15 Take it puffed Chested

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Jake got his bottles for his prescription medicine and walked out, Jake and Logan sat in the hospitals parking lot, after Jake had told Logan about the Doctor's unsettling news the two had been silent, Jake was letting his anxiety rule his mind and Logan was so unprepared for that, he was still unsure what to say to comfort his brother, he had too many questions of his own he couldn't answer.

The parking lot lights shone dimly on Logan's car, lighting the brothers faces up softly while they sat there. Logan slowly looked at Jake in the passenger seat, Jake had his head down seemingly lost in his own world, he was nibbling on his lower lip and wringing his hands nervously, Logan immediately felt terrible, he knew he should say something, but he was honestly tongue tied, how'd it go from playing pranks, making disstracks and going wild with their career's to this?...

"Uh Jake?" Logan finally said, "Hmm?" Jake muttered looking up a little, "Are you good bro?" Logan asked carefully, Jake sighed seeming to shudder as he did so, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat,
"I don't know..." He finally mumbled out, "Don't say that" Logan told him, "What am I suppose to say!?" Jake snapped a little, Logan looked back ahead watching as another car passed the front of them, while Jake put his head back down.

"So do you need to go to a pharmacy or something?" Logan tried starting back up the conversation after a few minutes passed, Jake looked back up looking a bit surprised, "I'm sorry bro" Jake said sheepishly, "It's good bro, your stressed, I'm stressed, I get it" Logan said with a light shrug, Jake still looked in amazement at his brother not use to him being that mature with... anything.

"Yeah, just take me to a Walgreens or CVS" Jake said quietly, Logan nodded before pulling out of the parking spot, he got into the flow of traffic, and drove down the road off into the town heading to the store, the other car lights whizzing past them. The car ride was still a little quieter than earlier, both brothers still in a bit of shock, the doctor visit was looming over them, but neither was brave enough to talk about it.

Logan soon parked at CVS and the two got out going towards the small store, the automatic doors let them in, their shoes hitting the carpeted floor, the bright lights on the White Walls and shelves made the place very inviting, the cashier, located to the right of them when they entered, welcomed them in from behind his desk, Logan said "wassup" while Jake only threw up his hand.

as the two walked around in the store, they saw the small aisles which held cookies, candy, chips and soda on one side, while on the other they had perfumes, cologne and other toiletries, on the far right past the snacks on the right, were some freezers with small pints of ice cream, frozen pizzas and microwave dinners, down the path between the
snack aisles and toiletries, was a bigger desk at the back of the store, where the pharmacist's were, along with some chairs for people to wait while they filled their prescriptions.

"Wanna get a snack or something?" Logan asked as they shuffled around the store, "Eh..I don't know" Jake mumbled shoving his hands in his shorts pockets looking around the place, Logan put a hand on Jake's shoulder squeezing it a little making Jake look at him, "Your fine bro, everything will be okay" Logan told him him, Jake smiled a little, he wasn't use to Logan being that supportive, but he wasn't going to complain, Logan patted his shoulder a fee times before taking his hand off him, they kept walking through the store for a while before hearing some mumbling that got louder and louder behind them.

"That is them!" "It's Jake and Logan!?" "Wow!" "Can I get a picture??" "Ahh! I love you! Logang Pauler for life!" Logan turned around to see some fans running up with their phones, they were some teens, who most likely went out for a quick snack run, Logan smiled as he stopped walking to greet them, while he heard Jake start cursing under his breath, at first he was confused, then he remembered...

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