Chapter 65 Cover it with a Lens

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"Yo, Mama and Papa Paul are HERE!" Logan announced loudly, vlogging when his parents stepped through the door, "Hey man! What's goin' on?" Greg greeted, chuckling at Logan's exaggerated excitement screeches as they wrestled with each other a bit, giving each other a hug, "Hi honey" Pam said smiling up at him, watching as Logan's eyes lit up, going from Greg to her, he put his camera down still letting it record as hugged Pam, shocking her a bit when he lifted her up and spun her around.

"Mama!" Logan shouted happily, "W-whoa honey, your getting me dizzy!" Pam giggled, as Logan slowed down putting her back on the floor, "The Paul's are all under the same roof again! Y'all have been trying to avoid this for YEARS! Huh?" Logan joked, making them laugh a bit uncomfortably, before Logan swooped up his camera once again.

"Alright Logang, I'm about to hang with the fam real quick- Say what's up guys!" Logan said double taking before putting the camera on them, "Hi Logangsters, I love you, come subscribe, and become part of the Pamily!" Pam said, "Mom!" Logan screeched looking appalled at her, "You don't know this vlog life" Pam replied giggling at Logan's still shocked face, "You guys can come follow me on Instagram! @Greg-" Greg had began advertising too, chuckling as Logan took his camera and ran away from them, "My own parents..." Logan said in disgust looking back at them, "I'm sorry you had to see that Logang" Logan apologized before shutting his camera off.

Logan was still smiling, but his demeanor was more calmed down, he walked over giving his parents proper hugs, really happy to see them, grateful to hopefully have some help with Jake now that they were back.
"Where's your brother?" Pam asked eager to see him, "He's in my old room, I don't know if he's awake right now though" Logan told her, Pam nodded going to the bathroom to clean up before going in to see him, Logan had prepared her of Jake's status and what to do around him, and Pam dying to give her youngest son some kisses and cuddles, went through all the precautions.

"Hey man," Greg said regaining Logan's focus, "Yeah?" Logan said, "You okay?" Greg asked putting a firm hand on his shoulder, staring at his son, Logan sighed, "I mean I guess? I'm not the sick one..." Logan replied chuckling dryly at the end, "Just because you aren't sick, doesn't mean you aren't capable of being tired, taking care of someone is hard- I'm gonna be honest with you, I was shocked you decided to do it" Greg told him, "Jake's my brother, what was I suppose to do?" Logan asked shrugging going to sit on the couch, "You've really matured in these last few months Logan" Greg observed looking down at him, while Logan net his gaze again from hanging his head, "You've been juggling work with taking care of your brother, that's more then me and your mom could do with two of us" Greg told him widening his eyes at him joking slightly, Logan smirked, rubbing his hands together still a bit in thought.

"Maybe take a break for a while? Me and your mom are here, we can take over" Greg suggested sitting by Logan, "I couldn't, Jake's use to me, and it took forever for him to accept the fact he needs help sometime in the first place, having you two step in could mess with him" Logan told him, "Logan, were his own parents, don't you think he'd be more comfortable with us?" Greg tried to assure him, "No, you don't know Jake in that way, he loves you guys, but this is hard for him, I don't wanna stress him out more than necessary..." Logan replied with a serious tone, Greg sat in silence for a moment, debating on rather to speak up or not, trying to keep from striking a nerve.

"Logan, you don't need to feel guilty for anything, your doing your best man, and that's all anyone can ever ask of you" Greg told him, having suspicions Logan was putting himself under too much stress, possibly even blaming himself whenever something went wrong with Jake, Greg knew the boys were close, but Logan had always been rough with Jake in the past, maybe this was his way of making up for that,
but he'd put himself in a position where he wanted Jake to be completely depended on him...No matter how much he loved Jake, it wasn't healthy for Logan's mental state to be so attached and afraid of anything happening to his little brother, he needed time to unwind and process too...

"How's my baby?" Pam asked gently, stepping up to Jake's bed, Pam was overwhelmed seeing how much Jake's appearance had changed, it was so much harder to see in person to even wrap her head around Jake being sick... She wanted to put her arms around him and not let go, protect him from everything...But in reality all she could do was pray and hope for the best, and be thankful, somehow her and Greg raised such a strong person...

Jake put his phone down seeing Pam, "Hi Mom" Jake said smiling stretching in bed a little, as she came over cupping his face in her hands, placing a kiss on his forehead, "How do you feel sweetie?" Pam asked balling her lips in concern, "Definitely been better" Jake said with a  little smirk, "Oh honey..." Pam said with a bit of a sigh hugging him gently, Jake reaching up hugging her too, feeling comforted by his mother's tenderness with him.

"Do you need anything? Water, an extra blanket? I can make waffles" Pam offered standing up from leaning to hug Jake, Jake coughed in response, slapping his chest a few times as he cleared his throat, making Pam wince a bit, "I'm good," Jake told her, he knew Pam was trying to remain calm, remembering how much it affected him to see her get so upset over him, Jake was the same way with pushing himself and not wanting to stress anyone else out, and decided he wanted to go out into the living room to see his dad too, tired of being in bed all the time.

Jake held the bed as he slowly got his legs over the edge, Pam rushing to put her hands on him, helping him stand, "Do you have it dear? Are you okay?" Pam fussed a arm wrapped around Jake's torso, and the other holding one of his hand, gingerly guiding him, Jake just nodded to her questions focusing on moving, his body was getting sharp pains going through it, he was dizzy from standing, and felt his legs struggling to keep him up, but he pushed on, although he felt a bit winded, he could walk, and if he could, he would.

"What the heck man?!" Greg's aggressive voice yelled out as Jake and Pam were slowly coming in, Logan cursed loudly, startling Pam, and making Jake frown in curiosity, it didn't sound like they were playing or vlogging, they sounded furious...outraged.

"Yo Dad" Jake said with a bit of a puzzled tone when he came into view slowly walking into the living room, Logan swiftly looked away from Jake cursing softly this time running his fingers through his hair, "What happened?" Pam asked, Logan just cursed again keeping his face away from his family, visibly beginning to shake, his jaw clenched, "Jake maybe you should go back to bed.." Greg suggested grimly, "Why? What's happening that I can't hear?" Jake asked looking from him to Logan, Logan's reactions were what was really getting him nervous, the two of them had been through a lot, always staying up and positive, making light of such a dark situation somehow...But now seeing Logan react to anything like that, Jake squirmed a bit getting an uneasy hot feeling in his belly.

"I'll kill him!" Logan suddenly shouted, trying to go by and get out of the door, Logan quickly grabbed him holding him still, "Whoa, whoa there! don't do anything stupid man!" Greg told him sternly, struggling to hold him for a while, Logan clearly still steamed. "kill who? What's going on?" Pam urged again, holding Jake a little tighter, "We were talking, looking at some of Logan's vlogs and stuff, our phones start going off like crazy, notification blowing up and well..." Greg mumbled, clearly mad himself, but trying not to get to Logan's level, keeping his mind rational.

"Well what? Is it the hospital? Pam asked hoping she was wrong, while jakes eyes were still glued on Logan, "No, not exactly...Do you remember Keemstar..?" Greg asked, Pam grimaced, the man hated her son, she remembered when they got the clip a while ago of Jake getting out of the hospital in his wheelchair, back before they knew what Jake was really dealing with... Keemstar had vowed to get more information on the "story", but they'd all been so careful not letting fans know about the disease Jake was battling, Jake himself had told his fans he was only taking a step away from social media to work on other projects...

Jake got slightly more attentive to his father at the mention of Keemstar, Logan gritted his teeth in anger hearing them talking, "I don't know how, he must have gotten it from someone around Jake, but the whole internet knows now..." Greg reluctantly said, "Knows, what?" Pam asked shifting uncomfortably rubbing Jake's back subconsciously.

Greg took a deep exasperated breath before letting it out, "Jake's fans and the whole internet knows he has cancer..."

A/N: Hi guys, I stayed up too late again, but ya know, gotta write 😚 Hope you like it! Comment and like! I love reading your thoughts and opinions! ❤ Don't forget to follow my account MadamBird for more of my writing 😉🐣

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