Chapter 53 No Room, mate

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When Logan got back to the apartment Jake was long gone, the first dose of medicine working in him with his already fatigued body, Logan didn't have the heart to wake him, so he settled on just carrying him inside, Logan went around to the passenger side of the car after he'd parked, he slowly lifted his brother into his arms with a bit of strain "Atta boy let's go Jaker" Logan grunted quietly as he stood carrying Jake with him while he snored.

"Logan! Where have you been?" Evan asked running up to the door, Logan quickly shushed him as he struggled inside the apartment, he was still carrying Jake in both arms while he was knocked out sleeping, although Jake had lost weight, it was still difficult to carry him all the way up to his room, Logan was a bit winded now and quickly took Jake to the couch laying him down.

"What happened to Jake? Me and the guys were wondering why you left so fast" Evan said following behind Logan timidly, "I missed Jake's appointment, I had to rush there" Logan whispered still feeling regret as he stared down at Jake frowning slightly.

"Jake's okay, he was feeling a little nauseous on the ride back, he's resting now," Logan said before chuckling a little, "He threw up in my car though" He said making Evan scrunch up his face, "Not the party car!" He said, "Yes the "party" car, I had to clean it before we came back- speaking of cleaning" Logan said walking to the kitchen getting himself some water.

"We're going to need to clean this place" Logan said looking around taking a swig of the refreshing liquid, he wasn't about to take another chance with this...It was time he took his position seriously.

"What?" Evan questioned squinting his eyes, "The doctor said Jake's immune system would be down, he's going through chemotherapy, and we need to make sure the place is safe for him," Logan said, Evan didn't want to argue about it much, this was Logan's family, he knew how much it all meant to him, but at the same time it all sounded like a lot of changes he wasn't ready for.

"Are you going to call Ayla to help? She's the assistant after all" Evan said, Logan laughed a bit, "If she hates having plates thrown at her, she's going to REALLY hate this" Logan said, "I'll clean Jake's room tonight, and call her for the rest in the morning" Logan said, "Jake's room? So he's taking your bedroom permanently?" Evan questioned, "Yeah, he's gotta have a room" Logan said walking into it, Evan in tow behind him, "Where are you going to sleep?" Evan asked, "In yours or Marks room" Logan said stripping the bed, "What? And where are we going to sleep?" Evan asked frowning, "We'll work it out in the morning I guess" Logan said shrugging, "Logan, this isn't what I signed up for" Evan said chuckling lowly although inwardly he was irritated with what needed to be changed.

"Well ya know Evan, I didn't sign up for my brother to be sick with cancer" Logan said through gritted teeth turning around from the bed to stare down at him, "I'm sorry..." He muttered, "Stop apologizing and start acting like my friend," Logan snapped, "You and Mark!" He said angrily, "We are your friends! Don't you remember last night?" Evan questioned, "With the good and the bad Evan, I don't just want you to have a drink with me" Logan responded before walking out with the dirty blankets, Evan stood there for a while contemplating what he'd been doing...Sure He cared about Jake too, but he was gonna be honest with himself; he was young and didn't want any burdens, he didn't want to see his house turn into some "nursing home" or see his free, happy friend turn into a weighed down care taker.

Evan walked out going back to his own room, he wanted to speak with Logan, but figured it wasn't the best time right then, they were both a little heated and Logan was busy anyways...

Logan began loaded the washing machine with the blankets taking a while to figure out how everything worked, he ended up leaving them to wash while he went to take out the trash in Jake's room, after he was done with that he washed his hands and took the blankets from the washer to the dryer and went to clean Jake's bathroom, he dreaded there the most, but held his breath and got to it: The tub was cleaned, the counter, the toilet, the floor and mirrors, it took some perseverance, Logan was already getting exhausted not use to all the house work, but he felt proud of himself when he stood back and saw how neat it all looked, it also helped keep his mind off of his silent argument he'd been going through with his roommates.

Logan sighed before washing his hands going to get the bedding out of the dryer, when he walked by the living room where Jake was still laying on the couch he noticed he was sitting up more now, seemingly in a daze.

"Jakey, you're up, how do you feel bro?" Logan asked walking over, "When the heck did I get in here?" Jake mumbled still groggy, Logan chuckled a bit before responding, "You fell asleep in the car bro",
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Jake asked yawning, "You looked tired" Logan said ruffling his hair, "Oh" He said still a bit out of it, "You good bro? Need some water or something?" Logan asked, "Yeah, it's hot in here" Jake said fanning a bit as he struggled to stand up, Logan watched and winced, before going to the kitchen he got Jake a bottle of of the fridge walking back over, "Make sure you put your mask back on after your done" Logan reminded him, Jake nodded before slipping it off taking a few sips, he stopped for a second coughing a few times before drinking again putting his mask back on.

"That's it?" Logan asked, "Yeah for now, I still feel nauseous" Jake told him, "Bro, you need to eat something, you can't keep throwing up and not eating" Logan told him sternly, he was trying to stay in a balance of being his brother and giving him advice, without sounding like he was telling him what to do, he didn't want to mess up the bond they'd made by being too pushy like their parents.

"Not hungry, I'm going back to sleep" Jake said yawning again, "Hey, are you sure your okay?" Logan asked, "Yeah, just sleepy bro" Jake told him, "Okay, but, just have something small, I don't want you throwing up water and everything else" Logan tried to say again, Jake blinked at him a few times, "Dude, I'm not hungry" He said a little confused, "Jake the doctor said to eat and stay hydrated" Logan said as Jake started to go to his bedroom, "I said I feel nauseous, I don't want to throw up on everything again, I'll just wait till I feel better" He said, "Jake I'd rather you throw up on everything then not eat at all, come on bro!" Logan said following him.

"Where's the blankets?" Jake said looking at the bare mattress, "Oh! I'm washing them for you" Logan said still sounding proud of himself, "You don't have to do that bro, I can still do all that stuff" Jake told him, "Jake, has it not clicked in that money making brain of yours yet?" Logan asked grabbing him by his shoulders making Jake look at him, "I, want, to, do, this" He said, "I just don't want you to over do it" Jake said with a sigh as Logan let him go, "Don't worry about that, this is perfectly fine, I'm not over doing anything" Logan told him grinning, "If you want to go out and do your own thing I won't mind" Jake quickly told him, "Is that what this is about? I'm sorry I missed your appointment, I really am" Logan told him, "No, I just... Don't want you to be like...Making it up to me for missing it, like don't do extra for me" Jake told him sounding a tad embarrassed, "Jake, missing the appointment was a mistake, but, I'm not just doing this because I feel guilty- we've been through this, I'm doing it cause I want to help you feel better bro" Logan said putting his arm around him, "Okay?" He said, "Okay..." Jake agreed.

"Now will you eat something?" Logan asked, "Still nauseated" Jake told him, Logan laughed a bit and rubbed his back, "Go to sleep, when you wake up will you try something?" Logan asked him, "Okay, okay, it better be good though" Jake said warned him, "The best!- Whatever I can find in my fridge!" Logan said making Jake laugh, "You're an idiot" He mumbled, "Shut up and sit down, I'll make your bed up" Logan said going to get the blankets, "You can get it but I'll make it up" Jake told him, "Fine! Stubborn" Logan said rolling his eyes seeing Jake dab at him before leaving out of earshot.

Logan was still grinning, elated Jake was still up and talking even though he was sick *That's my boy! My brother would never be like those other patients* Logan thought happily, The doctor telling him about all those symptoms made him uneasy, as did seeing that place full of sick, weak people, but having an actual conversation with Jake brought him back to reality- and Logan's reality was that his brother was a fighter no matter what.

A/N:Hope y'all liked it! I don't want to spoil anything! But no need to ask about it cause it's coming sooner then you think😏
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