Chapter 58 What we Wished was Real

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Logan woke up to the sound of someone banging on his front door, he was confused and his shaggy hair was a mess, he started to get up, but realized it was a little difficult, and finally noticed it was because of Jake still resting on him from the other night.

Logan was laying with his back to the bed, while Jake was laying fully on top of him, his head turned to one side on Logan's shoulder his arms wrapped around Logan's neck his legs draped across either side of Logan's hips.

Jake's breathing was soft, warm air coming from his nose and mouth as his chest rose and fell pressing into Logan's, Logan was gonna wrap his arms around Jake and just let him sleep, but again he heard more knocks at his door, he was silently hoping one of his roommates would go to answer it, but of course, it just kept going, Jake started to stir a bit as he heard the noise.

"Morning bro" Logan mumbled seeing Jake yawn still looking out of it, "Go back to sleep I'll get the door" Logan told him, Jake just groaned again closing his eyes back making Logan chuckle at him,
he slowly got Jake off him laying to the side of him, and eased out of the bed tucking him in, Jake turned on his side seeming to be falling back asleep while Logan went to check at the door.

"What's up?" Logan said as he opened the door, "Hey bro" Chance said, Anthony leaning against the wall, pushing himself off once he saw Logan, "What are you two doing here?" Logan questioned, "Here to see Jake- is he uh, home?" Chance asked sounding a bit nervous as he peered in the apartment, Logan backed up letting them inside, "He's in bed" Logan informed.

Logan lazily offered them something to drink while he went to check on Jake, Chance lightly slapped his leg with the bouquet of flowers he'd brought over for Jake along with a "Get well!" Card. The last time Chance had seen him was at the old team ten house, that was when he first learned about the deadly disease his best friend had... Memories of them together back in Ohio till now flooded his brain, How could he have been so naive? Jake slowing down over the last few months before he was diagnosed seemed so obvious now, the coughing, the lack of energy, he felt dumb for treating him the same during all that, he could have done better, they all could have...

"Guys, is he here? Is he up?" Chad asked bursting through the door, he'd come with them to visit Jake, but he was told to stay in the car for a while, while Chance and Anthony "checked to see if he was accepting visitors", but really they knew how emotional Chad could be, and wanted to give him a minute to dry his tears, as to not stress Jake out, last time they saw Jake he was sick, but he was still standing on his own two feet, and seemed to have that positive, get up and go, energy they were use to, now? They weren't sure what to expect...

"Jake, hey bro your friends are here" Logan told him nudging him slightly to get him up, "Hmm?" Jake mumbled, "Do you want to see them? Or should I send them back?" Logan questioned gently, Jake debated on just having Logan send them out and getting more rest, but he was honestly getting disgusted at himself for how "lazy" he'd been, no matter how much he tried to let himself relax and just get better, he felt like such a waste sometimes, not even getting up to get his own food or clean his room, he couldn't help but think about how disappointed his Jake Paulers would be of him if they saw him like that...

"I'll see them" Jake said sitting up, "You don't have to bro" Logan told him standing up watching as Jake started to move to fully get out of bed. "I want to, those are my boys" Jake said with a weak smile, besides the pain or any self doubt that creeped up, he did miss his friends and his life he once had; The thought of driving down the road in the team ten van to an event, his friends laughing, blasting their music, Erika in the passenger seat beside him, probably laughing and complaining about how childish everyone was behaving, vlogging the whole thing, Hearing his fans screaming and excited when they pulled up, that right there was a happy place for him, and he couldn't wait to get their again...

Jake with the help of Logan holding his hand and putting one on his back, he got him to his feet, Jake was struggling, but determined, "Alright, let's get you going" Logan said putting a robe on him and fastening his face mask, as he was about to help Jake walk something on the bed made him stop in his tracks, his jaw hanging slack for a few moments.

"What's wrong bro?" Jake questioned seeing the look on Logan's face, Logan quickly replaced it with a smile, "Nothing, I just remembered I need to...vlog today, Logang for life" Logan said laughing a bit trying to throw Jake off, Jake looked skeptical but shrugged it off
he moved his hand from Logan's gritting his teeth as he walked alone, he didn't want his friends to see him weak at least...He wanted to be how they remembered him.

Logan quickly went to Jake's bed while he was distracted with shuffling to the door, he swept strands of blonde hair off of Jake's pillow and blankets, getting a pit in his stomach, *Losing his hair?* Logan thought dreadfully, he knew it was part of the chemo...But he hated these reality checks each process surprised him with, when he looked at Jake, it was hardly noticable he was losing hair right then, but the loss in general just reminded him the battle against this disease wasn't over... There were new challenges Jake was gonna face, and he would have to help him with them anyway he could, he was feeling overwhelmed as his mind ran with what was to come, but he couldn't give in, he was all Jake had right now...

"Chad, Chance and Anthony, What's good?" Jake questioned with a half smirk as he came into the room, Chance stood up from the couch where he was sipping some water, Anthony turned to look at him from where he stood looking out Logan's big glass windows leading to his balcony, and Chad stood fully from where he was playing with Logan's puppy.

"Jake!" They said at once, a tone of shock and excitement coming from each one.

A/N: Sorry it's so short! I'll have more done soon! Happy Halloween everybody! Check my Instagram @ Bronzebabybird I made a little Halloween video 😉

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