Chapter 31 Press Pressure

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Jake walked towards his house pass all his fans screaming at him, asking him if he was okay while trying to get pictures and autographs, some of them even trying to grab him for hugs, normally Jake loved having the support of his fans, but at this point it was just disrespectful and did him more harm then good.

Jake finally got into the house, he let out a sigh feeling completely drained, he slid down the door after it was closed and sat on the floor, his chest and throat burned, he felt so pressured and tired with seemingly no escape from the hole pulling him further and further in no matter how he tried to claw his way out.

Jake's few minutes of silence were interrupted by his phone chiming over and over, his manager was calling him as were a few news channels trying to get a scoop on what was really happening with his 'sickness' it was all making him go crazy, he knew LA was going to be tough, but he never imagined this is where he'd be...He was literally sitting on the floor, sick, overwhelmed and stressed from getting fired, everyone around him wanted something from him, they needed him to get up and get back to work make vlogs and smile like it was all okay.

Jake's phone buzzed once more before he threw it away from him in a frustrated rage, backing up against his door wishing for a deep seclusion, he felt like screaming from the stress and anxiety... it was all too much reducing him to feeling like a pathetic child scared of his responsibilities and all he wanted to do was run away into his dreams where everything really would be okay...

Erika waltzed out of her room, she was about to go to the office and see if anyone wanted to go out to dinner with her now that they were done working, but she stopped seeing Jake sitting on the floor, her first thought was he wasn't feeling well again and  immediately was struck with fear, having seen him when he got into a coughing fit before, she rushed to him bending down by his side.

"Jake? Are you okay? Did you take your medicine?" Erika asked gently putting her hand on his back, Jake quickly looked up hearing her voice, their eyes met Jake seeing the deep concern in her green eyes, "I'm good" Jake lied trying to fake a smile, "Are you sure? Should I call your parents?" Erika asked taking out her phone while Jake stood to his feet, "I don't need my mommy and daddy" Jake spoke almost mockingly, Erika slowly stood up with him, "What happened to your phone?" Erika asked seeing it on the floor, Jake went to pick it up putting it back in his pocket, "I dropped it..." He mumbled, Erika squinted her eyes at him, "Jake, if theirs anything going on, you can talk to me, I won't tell anyone" Erika told him softening a bit seeing the worry all across Jake's face.

Jake sighed before looking at her, "I just got fired" Jake said quietly feeling ashamed as he admitted this to her, "Jake..." Erika gasped sadly, "I'm sorry...What happened?" She asked, "I'm too sick basically" Jake told her looking down the words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth, Erika walked over giving him a hug, Jake took it rubbing her back a little, "Things suck right now Rik" Jake told her with a sigh as they broke apart.

"It's gonna be okay, just keep your chin up" Erika tried to encourage him, "I have to" Jake said, That hurt Erika's heart, she knew Jake must be stressed out trying to run a whole company with still staying up sick at night, "Maybe you should see the Doctor before next week instead?" Erika suggested, "I might have to do that too" Jake admitted surprising Erika, not expecting Jake to give in to anything like that, "Ja-" Erika was about to speak again when Chance and Anthony walked in.

"Yo! Jake your home what's up?" Chance said grinning, "Wanna go out?" Anthony asked, "It's a little late, I might just eat and go to bed" Jake said with a little smile, even though his friends knew he was sick there was still a level of expectancy from all of them that he should and would be fine, and Jake could feel it, after all, they'd seen him wake up early and go to work with energy for his vlogs and theirs after, and even work with the flu before.

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