Chapter 72 Treasure or Tragedy?

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Logan's eyes were focused on the street, he had got up and left after getting an odd text from Jake, it was late, and he hadn't really expected him to call or anything since he was staying at Erika's place. Logan was actually about to go to bed, he had went into Evan's room to kick him out just moments before, after learning how he'd betrayed him, the arguing and shouting that had left Logan mentally exhausted was a blur now. Although Logan was hurt with what happened and the situation in general, he didn't have time to focus on it, after being out and driving for a while, he started to get a sinking feeling, it was as if his body was preparing him for something awful...

Logan rode up to the apartment Erika stayed in, cruising the streets, his headlights shining on other cars, streetlights, trash cans, as he combed the place for his little brother, Logan wasn't sure if he was still in her place or outside waiting for him already, he got confused and began getting anxious, maybe he should text him again?

Logan parked on the side of the street taking out his phone, he scrolled through his contact till he landed on Jake.

Logan: Hey Jake, I'm out here, where you at?

Logan sat waiting in his car, other cars passing him as he stared at his phone, Logan frowned not getting an answer, deciding to text again.

Logan: Bro? I don't see you, I'm here are you okay?

Logan's eyebrows knitted together as he shifted in his chair, he felt his heart speed a bit, he didn't want to think something terrible happened, but, it was odd for Jake to text him, then just completely ignore him now?

Logan got out of the car, deciding he could cover more ground on foot, go to Erika's door if he needed to. *Don't be stupid, come on, what could have happened?* Logan began trying to talk his nerves down, although the whole setting and situation was weighing on him; It was night, chilly, he couldn't get a text back from his sick brother....

Logan: Jake, if your pranking me, it isn't funny, where are you?

He frowned again putting his phone back in his pocket, feeling his stomach churning, he didn't really think Jake was pranking him, but he kinda just hoped he was and he was fine, in bed, warm and safe...

Logan swallowed roughly as he walked up the block, he was just dropping Jake off a little while ago, how did he lose his own brother? "Jake?" Logan suddenly called out, hearing his own voice having to call for Jake gave him a panicking feeling, "Jake!" He called again, his voice seeming to just vanish out into the night, no sign of Jake...

"Jake!" Logan called again getting a jog to his walk as he looked around the place, he felt alone, cars passing him on the street, no one seemed to know or care what was going on, it was dark and the place seemed so unfamiliar and creepy now, not for him so much, but thinking of Jake out there by himself...It felt like he was in some sort of horror movie or something...

Logan stopped, panting a bit as he looked around, trying to calm himself down and collect his thoughts, he couldn't keep running around and freaking himself out further, he put his head down as he caught his breath a little, and that's when he noticed something, it looked like...*Blood? Or is it paint...* Logan thought seeing the dried drops beneath him. Logan shuddered, everything just seemed so weird and out of place, maybe it was crazy and he was just walking into a dead end, he should just call Erika or something, but he followed those drops, feeling drawn to them for some reason, they eventually stopped, but he didn't find much of anything, he sighed wondering why he even tried it, and began calling for his brother again.

"Jake Paul!" Logan shouted once more, his voice strained and full of concern, he still didn't get an answer, it was all silent, he cursed under his breath and struggled to yank his phone out again and just call somebody for help, when he heard something.
"Logan?" The voice was weak, but Logan recognized it, he quickly ran there going past where the blood stains stopped, his heart thumping in his chest, it was in the small entrance between two bigger buildings on the street, Logan's feet felt numb with how hard they slapped against the pavement going towards the voice.

Logan stopped to an abrupt halt, his eyes widened, a feeling of fear coursing through his body, within seconds he fell to his knees, scraping them across the hard concrete without much concern, his eyes focused on his little brother  "Jake?" Logan said his tone soft and scared, he grabbed his shoulders trying to gain his attention, Jake just sat there mutely again, back against a trash can, his mouth had dried blood on it that stained his shirt, his eyes looked dazed, skin pale, but he was breathing... slowly his chest barely rising and falling.

"Jake- Bro, what- Jake, what happened?" Logan stammered out, he was breathing quickly, looking Jake over, he couldn't understand what was going on, but he had to quickly shake out of the fear he felt and get him to safety.

Logan gently got beside Jake and put his hand on his back lifting him up just enough to scoop his arm under Jake's legs holding him in his arms, "Your okay, your okay....Yu gotta be" Logan whispered repeatedly as he rushed to his car, trying not to shake Jake up too much.

Logan placed his brother in the passenger seat carefully before getting into the drivers, his heart was beating so hard it was shaking his body, he felt like he could cry seeing Jake so unresponsive, so weak... He had to keep it together, he started up his car and called his mother putting it in speaker.

"Hi Logan-" Pam answered, her voice sounding a little sleepy, ,"mom, I'm going to the hospital with Jake, get over here as quick as you can" Logan replied hastily, "Oh, okay? Is Jake alright?" Pam asked her voice getting frantic, "I don't know" Logan responded with uncertainty, before he hung up, although a cruel thing to scare his mother that way, he had to focus on driving Jake to safety...

"Hey! We need some service here!" Greg shouted, he had a coat thrown on over pajamas, just like Pam, both frantic when they came into the hospital, having nurses look at them like they were crazy. "Sir there are sick people here!" One Nurse said, "One of them is our son, now show us where he is!" He responded back through gritted teeth, "Jake Paul? is he here?" Pam questioned desperate to find her baby boy, "Jake Paul was taken in to the emergency room an hour ago," The nurse informed them, her expression softening seeing the worried looks on the parents faces, The Nurse took Pam's hand gently giving her a remorseful look.

"I'm so sorry," She said empathically, Pam gasped as she braced herself, her clammy hand shaking in the Nurses palm, while Greg's aggressive behavior came to an abrupt halt, he focused on the Nurse trying not to show how terrified he was for his youngest son directly on his face...

A/N: Hi guys. How are y'all? If you wanna follow me, and see what I'm up to (might be posting a video at the end of the year or something 😏) follow me on Instagram @ Bronzebabybird

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