Chapter 100 Wings of a Hope

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Oh, Hi Mark: Hey man, how's it going over there?

Logan: It's insanity bro...I hate being here, I hate this, I want to be home.

Oh, Hi Mark: Its been hours, have the Doctors figured out anything else...?

Logan: Nope, still talking last resort options...I haven't gotten a chance to really even see Jake, they've been trying to "inform" me and trying to make me make a decision, but I still don't know.

Oh, Hi Mark: Try to stay rational, stay calm, talk out what Jake wants when you get to see him.

Logan: Its hard to stay "calm" and "rational" when everyones telling you, the person you love most might be taken from you...

Oh, Hi Mark:...I'm sorry Logan.

Logan: Yeah, I am too.

Oh, Hi Mark: Have you called your parents?

Logan: Not yet, I'm going to tell the family when I get to talk to Jake, they're about to let me in finally...

Oh, Hi Mark: Alright bro, tell Jake I'm thinking about him too, I'll be there soon with his stuff

Logan: Thanks, peace bro.

Logan slipped his phone back in his pocket, standing up from the chair in the waiting room, there was a constant buzz in that area of the hospital, just walking down the long hallway to Jake's room several people almost bumped into Logan, some mumbling apologies while others were to fixated on going to see whoever they erre there for, Logan empathized with everyone there; from the nurses, to the doctors, to all the patients and families...It was a weird feeling for his heart to be so full while simultaneously feeling so loose and empty...

As Logan finally got to his brothers room, he found himself trying to brace, he didn't know what he could honestly tell Jake when he got in there, should he try to remain positive talking with him? Get straight to the truth of what was going on? He was in a position where he was terrified, working as hard as he could to put on a brave face, but after hearing what the Doctors said, his hope was hanging by a thread....

"Hey bro..." Logan said as he walked in slowly, Jake's room was mostly quiet, he was lying in bed with a mask on his face and the sheet pulled half way up him. Jake gingerly turned to look at him, he was so close to a breaking point, being away from home, stuck in a hospital and feeling more frail and lightheaded then before, which he couldn't tell was from the excitment of going out, or whatever stuff the nurses had stuck in him.

"What's going on?" Jake asked in a hushed groan, struggling to get up seeing his brother, Logan brought up a chair sitting next to him, he gently put a hand over Jake's stopping him from trying to move, Logan kept his head down, his hand just lingering on Jake's as he slowly licked his dry lips trying to prepare himself; Logan had been itching to see Jake all day, but now that he did have a quiet moment with him, he felt choked up.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked noticing Logan couldn't bare to bring his head up, Logan squeezed Jake's hand a little tighter, "I'm here bro, what's wrong?" Jake asked his tone still hushed, in the room that seemed to demand it..."That's the problem...T-Thats the-" Logan paused again clearing his throat, dryly chuckling again, "I don't want you to- not be here...The doctors are talking crazy, I just..." Logan stumbled through his words.

Jake slowly let Logan's fingers slip between his, interlocking their hands tighter, there was silence while Logan squeezed his eyes shut, his face tensing up as he tried to keep himself composed...

Jake stared ahead at the wall while he held his brothers hand, it hurt to see him getting so emotional and knowing he was causing it, but there wasn't much he could do besides try to stay calm himself regardless of the creeping fear coming over him.

"I'm sorry Jake, I'm good, I just...How did we go from posting dumb videos to this..?" Logan spoke up after collecting himself finally looking in Jake's direction again, Jake turned to look at him as well.

"Lifes crazy bro," Jake said sighing out, "How do you feel?" Logan asked balling his lip, gently rocking Jake's hand while he looked at him, "I'm light headed, anxious? Like, I wanna know whats going on, but like the thought freaks me out," Jake told him, subconciously gripping on to Logan tighter for comfort as his nerves got to him.

Logan nodded in understanding, "What did the doctors say?" Jake finally mustered up to ask, Logan sat up in his chair a little, feeling his right leg begin bouncing, he swallowed stiffly just thinking of talking with the Doctors already making him uncomfortable and anxious again.

"Well, they're still wanting you to make your decision, they said either way is dangerous, but doing nothing is deadly..." Logan told him, Jake frowned looking away, Logan rubbed at his eyes quickly hearing his younger brother curse under his breath in saddened frustration, "Which should I do?" Jake asked quietly, his tone sounding lost, as though he was asking beyond just the decision for the doctors.

"I wish I could tell you bro, I don't know what the best thing is, but I will be here beside you either way," Logan promised, Jake fell silent once more, he looked hollow by the eyes as he tried supressing his emotion again, Logan could understand the far away look by now, knowing Jake was overthinking everything keeping it in his head hurting himself worse.

"Logan?" Jake spoke up, "Yeah..?" Logan asked staring at him, "Can I have a hug?" Jake asked his voice getting weak at the end, Logan only allowed himself to be surprised briefly, he quickly stood up

letting go of Jake's hand just to lean down and hug him; The room seemed to vanish, both brothers only feeling the warmth from the other and the pain that came with the unknown of now...Logan savored the feeling of holding his little brother in his arms all while regretting any times they'd ever fought and been apart over stupid things...It all seemed so pointless now, like wasted time they could have been making happy memories together...

Jake took in a deep breath, his eyes shut while he let Logan hold him, he wanted to stay this way and pretend Logan could keep him safe from everything- and be the "hero" he'd always seen him as growing up, but he knew it was time to really deal with this now; It was a battle between him and this disease, and he didn't plan on the Doctors sending Logan home brotherless...

Finally Logan pulled away laying Jake back down gently, both still very emotionally locked into one another. "I'm gonna have the surgery," Jake announced through a strained breath, Logan nodded silently wiping the moisture from his glossed eyes.

A/N: Guys what the he ck, 100 chapters? How'd it get so long😭 We're coming to an end guys! How we feeling?😩🤔 

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@ bronzebabybird

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