Chapter 82 Family Forever

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"What's up bro?" Mark asked cruising into the kitchen, he'd just woken up and finally got out of bed in search of food, he saw Logan with his head down both fist planted on the counter in front of him, his phone also lying on the counter.

"Went too hard at the gym?" Mark joked getting himself a bottle of water, he leaned against the fridge after closing it back, starting to drink down the clear, cool liquid.

"Logan?" Mark questioned again seeing he'd stayed in the same pose, only moving from breathing, he walked closer to him putting his bottle down, "I don't know what I'm gonna do..." Logan said sounding as though he was mostly speaking to himself, "Why? What happened?" Mark asked frowning, "Mark...Bro" Logan said shaking his head before turning around, an worried exasperated look on his face, "I talked to Jake's doctor...I don't know what to tell him..." Logan said in frustration putting his hands behind his head as he blew out some air, "What do you need to tell him?" Mark questioned, thinking the worst had happened already.

"I need to tell him-" Logan began saying, cursing as he put his arms down, "She thinks Jake's gonna be bedridden...I snapped at her, I took the conversation away from Jake...It got messy" Logan told him halfheartedly, "Its not her fault bro..." Mark said, "She's the one who gave him stronger medicine, that's probably what messed him up in the first place- I knew I she shouldn't have..." Logan said getting heated again, "The doctors are doing what they can to fix things, they aren't miracle workers" Mark told him  trying to calm the situation down, Logan paced around banging one of his walls, still frustrated.

"All that aside, what am I gonna do? I gotta tell Jake something, he's waiting!" Logan said sitting on his couches arm, slumping,

"You need to tell him, and figure out everything together- she didn't say it would be forever did she?" Mark asked folding his arms with a serious expression, "She said some patients go through this, they either make a full recovery after...or" Logan mumbled looking down a disturbed look on his face his fingers fidgeting on the fabric of the couch, "Well what did she say about recovery during this time? IS Jake going to the hospital to be cared for?" Mark asked switching the subject, noticing Logan's discomfort,"No way!" Logan said standing up, "Logan.." Mark said in a skeptical warning tone, "My baby brother isn't staying in a hospital all alone" Logan told him glaring, his mind drifted to Jake talking to him in the car, which only made him confirm his decision even more.

"What did the Doctor say?" Mark asked hoping that would help Logan be more rational, "She said the job would get harder, it'll be more then just cleaning sheets and making meals...But I got it, I said at the beginning I'd be here for Jake, I'm not gonna run away just because things are a little harder!" Logan told him, "How do you know Jake won't want a professional caring for him? This isn't some kind of thing you can win or lose at Logan, you two are brothers regardless of if Jake stays here or not" Mark tried to convince him, getting unsettled.

"Mark, Jake's my one and only brother, I'm not leaving him in a cold and lonely hospital, in fact, I'm gonna have Ayla cancel my meeting for today, I'm gonna figure out how to do this, and we're all gonna be okay" Logan said hyping himself up as he texted Ayla before Mark could convince him otherwise.

"Have you even thought about how to tell Jake? He hates the idea of anyone taking care of him as is, how are you going to tell him he can't do anything anymore?" Mark questioned him, Logan crooked a smile turning to look at Mark again, "Hey, if I could have Jake wait on me hand and foot I'd love it!" He joked, "No you wouldn't, you both love being active, accomplishing things yourselves, Jake's gonna be horrified, he didn't even like me to ask him if he was okay!" Mark reminded him.

"I'll tell him gently... " Logan said, before walking out, heading to Jake's room.

Jake laid where Logan left him, his body felt weird, everything seemed hazy actually...It scared him falling earlier, he tried to replay what happened that morning, trying to piece together what he'd done wrong, he was about to go brush his teeth and wash up, getting ready for the day when it happened. Jake was now waiting on Logan's word back from his Doctor, maybe it was his medicine? And he was still getting use to it...Either way Jake couldn't help feeling twitchy, he didn't know if it was a fluke and he should just try again, or keep waiting there for what felt like forever at this point.

Jake slowly turned his head towards the door, his neck feeling stiff, watching as his brother came in, he had a smile on his face which was relaxing Jake at first, but he quickly found it to be a nervous smile and got anxious again.

"Well?" Jake asked just as Logan approached the bed, "What's the deal bro?" He asked, "Jake, can I just be the first to mention how wonderful you've been handling this? Thats that Paul spirit!" Logan praised him, Jake had a frown on his face that said he wasn't gonna take much more of Logan's rambling, "I'm proud of you bro, seriously, this has really switched up from what we came out here to do- but hey, we still killin' it" Logan said going from serious to grinning leaning down to lightly punch Jake's arms, normally Logan being sentimental would make Jake happy, and start talking of old memories and dreams for the future, but he was too focused on the information he needed.

"What's wrong with me?" Jake asked bluntly, "Jake..." Logan sighed sitting next to him on the bed, "Your recovery changed a little," Logan said aprehensively, "What's that mean?" Jake asked curiously, "You aren't going to be walking around right now, and I'm gonna be home a lot more often to help you" Logan explained gingerly, he watched the disbelief and shock Jake's expressions went through as he processed the information.

"Huh?" Jake questioned, he had a lot more detail he wanted to be in that question but he was too confused to really articulate how to ask everything, "Don't flip bro, we'll figure this out, it'll all be good bro!" Logan assured him seeing Jake was really letting it sink in.

"No, your lying, your pranking me" Jake said in a cross of disbelief and fear, "Jake, this isn't your fault, you got sick, focus on getting better, if you need anything just call okay?" Logan told him.

"No stop, I'm not stuck to a bed Logan! No way bro" Jake said shifting to getting a little hysterical as he tried to sit up again, pain throbed through his nerves sending ache through his lethargic body, Jake winced, but tried again, trying to lift himself up with his hands, but his nerves pinching and bones rattling sent him flat on his back again panting, he was about to start again but Logan placed his hand on his chest keeping him down.

"Jake, you always wanted to thank me for helping you? Please, just roll with this, I know its hard, but don't refuse the help, struggling like that could prolong this bro, come on" Logan said staring down at Jake's eyes, while he huffed his face going a little red from the pressure, Jake swallowed before closing his eyes.

"Okay..." Jake agreed, causing Logan to internally celebrate, he didn't want to use "that" card on Jake, but it was all he could think from having him having a full blown melt down. "Now, I'll get your breakfast...I'll ask the Doctor what else we need at home for you, and see about getting you a bath" Logan said, Jake looked away from him, deep in thought a look of angered defeat on his face, Logan had a sympathetic smile on his face rubbing Jake's head before walking out.

*We'll be okay* He tried convincing himself.

A/N:What Up y'all? Are you keeping up or should I slow down? Lmk🤓🤔

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