Chapter 44 Last day Bro

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There was a lot to take in at once, Jake was sick with a deadly disease, and was now faced with disbanding his company along with quitting his videos he had been posting everyday, while also finding out about Logan's decision to care for him in his time of need, a lot was going to change, this was something Jake had no way to prepare for, it was something he just had to grin and bear, and the first steps of getting better were going back to where it all began...But first...

"What's up Jake Paulers? My names Jake Paul, and this is my brothers apartment, allow me to explain what's going on here" Jake said walking around the place, he was trying his hardest to keep from looking or sounding too upset, where in reality this video was tearing him down inside, all this work for years, all for nothing...It was all over too soon.

"So I'm sure you've noticed the lack of energy in the vlogs- let's face it! They just haven't been lit bro, they haven't, but!
It's, for, a ,good reason!" Jake said he looked down thinking for a bit, before grinning at the camera smiling again, "I'm moving on from YouTube, I've always wanted to be in traditional media! And I'm focusing on that now! Maybe I'll show up in your feed in the future, but until then, stay lit, stay savages, and stay sexy!" Jake said pointing and winking at the screen, his face couldn't hold and he became just a bit somber.

"On the real guys before I leave, I want to say something to you," Jake paused a bit before speaking again, "I really want you to chase your dreams, don't let anything in this world stop you, okay? Whatever you want to do, I don't care who tells you, you can't do something... I want you to always believe in yourself, take risk, smile, have fun with your friends, stay out late, dance, sing, soak up every, single, moment life has to offer, you never know when those opportunities won't be there anymore...As cheesey as it sounds," Jake said chuckling a bit, "Living life to the fullest is so important, it really is, do something you can be proud of, make memories that make you laugh till you cry, that's what I want to leave you guys with, and I hope you really listened to what I had to say, fans, haters whoever may be watching this, everyone on this planet deserves a happy life...Anyways!" Jake spoke trying to shake himself out of his serious tone, "I won't see you guys tomorrow, cause, I don't really know when or if I'll be back!....Bro, peace" Jake said finishing his outro.

He put his camera down sitting on the couch with a sigh, he hated what his life was becoming, but there wasn't much to do to fix it, no more daily vlogging, he'd just ended it basically, and now he had to go see his team to tell them the news, he'd scheduled their meeting back at the house, and was now preparing to go there.

"Hey bro, are you done?" Logan asked walking in slowly, he knew Jake was having a rough time, and even felt a little saddened hearing Jake ending his channel, even though he planned to keep doing his, he knew for a fact filming and YouTube in general wouldn't be the same without him.

"Yeah, I uh, just got finished..." Jake said looking up, Logan sat next to him patting his shoulder, "How do you feel?" Logan asked, "I feel like," Jake said standing up trying to avoid more "feelings" talk, "I'm gonna be late to my meeting, I'm gonna get going" Jake said shoving his hands in his pockets, "Do you want me to come?" Logan questioned, "No, it's fine, I can handle it" Jake told him, "Alright, whatever you want bro...You want me to take you to the hospital later?" Logan asked, "Yeah, I'll be back later for...that" Jake said feeling his stomach sink a little at the thought, he didn't want to seem like a coward, but even now he wasn't exactly ecstatic to go to the doctors, he knew he was ill, but hearing about all the technicalities of his disease and how it would effect him was gonna be another rollercoaster.

Logan walked Jake to the door, he was aching to go with Jake but he had to respect his wishes, he'd like to go give Jake's team a piece of his mind, it made his blood boil knowing some of his team was already leaving, and to even think of how insensitive some of them might be, even with Jake having cancer, it just gave him anxiety to watch Jake leave out the door.

"Hit me up if you need me" Logan told him, "I will bro" Jake said before walking out, as soon as the door closed Logan's expression changed, he sucked air through his gritted teeth before letting out a shuddering sigh, staying strong was the name of the game, but it was so difficult to see his baby brother suffering.

Logan's life was changing too, in just a little while he would switch from just being "big brother" to being Jake's caretaker, and he didn't know the first thing about doing it! Sure he tried saying comforting words to him, and he often drove him places, but he knew there had to be a lot more to it, especially when Jake began going through treatment...Dr.Brown's words haunted him, he remembered him talking about how his young life would be over, he remembered him telling him this wasn't going to be something of a two-days steps type deal, this was something he had to be committed for, and he now often questioned himself, if he was even ready.

"Is Jake still here?" Evan asked walking in, Mark trailing behind him, "He just left," Logan said from where he sat in a beanbag chair,
"Why?" He questioned, "Just wanted say good luck, and offer my condolences to you and your family, bro i heard you guys talking last night" Evan admitted, Logan cursed silently, "You know?" Logan questioned, "Yeah, I heard...Sorry if I seem awkward about it bro, I'm really not sure what to say" Evan said walking over, "Sorry it had to be your brother...He had such a bright future too" Mark commented, "You guys are talking like he already lost...Jake's gonna be fine!" Logan said feeling his nerves being rattled from their somber words, "Okay, I'm just saying, a lot of really strong and healthy people don't survive from these things" Mark said with a shrug, "Shut up Mark!" Logan suddenly snapped, "Maybe I shouldn't have said tha-" Mark began backtracking, but Logan was fast to interrupt, "Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have!" He said with a nasty tone and threatening glare, as he stood to his feet, Evan stood between them, trying to insure things didn't get too heated.

"Hey, hey, come on we're all friends here, no reason to get so flustered" Evan said, "Friends don't say that" Logan grumbled, "I didn't mean anything by it, I was just talking bro, come on..." Mark said, "Well sorry if I seem crazy, not wanting you to "just talk" about my brother not beating this disease!" Logan snapped again, "Let's just relax, we believe in Jake, and are both rooting for him too, fighting isn't helping anything!" Evan said, "Just watch your mouth" Logan said before walking away, "I don't know why he got so mad, I didn't mean anything by it" Logan heard Mark muttering to Evan as he slowly got out of earshot.
Just as Logan sat down in his room trying to get over the cross between the anger and fear he felt tormenting his mind and heart, he  got a call before he could even begin to relax, he saw it was from the hospital, and reluctantly answered it, Jake knew now and there was no avoiding it, so he might as well see what they wanted.

"Mr.Paul, we have an appointment for your brother Mr.Jake Paul, we see you're registered for being his caretaker? Are you certain about this?" The hospital worker spoke as soon as Logan said "Hello", *Don't say yes! You aren't ready, what if you mess up? This is a whole person!* Logan thought, "Yeah, I-I'm certain, what about it?" Logan answered, "Okay," They said, Logan could hear them clicking on some keys before they spoke again, "We're just going to give you some tips and talk about what might be required of you to play this role, these things are never easy, and going through it with someone as close as a brother must be very harsh, we're glad to hear your stepping up to help not a lot of people would do that, especially some young as yourself. We'll talk more about this later but it could be possible for your brother to be at home during this terrible time, most patients want that" They told Logan, *Great, he could be at home with me, without any professionals around either* Logan thought feeling even more nervous.

"It gets so much worse before it gets better, but it'll be worth it in the end! If you're ready, we can talk about the work that goes into caring for such a sickly patient, are you busy?" They questioned, "Nah, let's do it" Logan answered somewhat reluctantly, "Excellent," They responded, as Logan braced himself, ready to hear why he'd gotten into.

A/N:I'll be posting a new one soon! Tell me how your liking it in the comments! 😀 Follow @ Bronzebabybird on Instagram! And like this chapter. ILY #FightingFlock 🐣

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