Chapter 95 Clouds behind the Sun

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"You know what? I say we take Jake out today, last time we took him for a drive the boy perked up like a flower in the sun!" Greg spoke up. Logan had time for a brief shower to get out of his gym clothes, and was sipping the protein shake he made now while Pam had been passively freaking out asking Logan about Jake and looking through all his medicine.

"I don't know if he can" Logan said frowning, he would hate to offer the idea to Jake and find out he was too sick to actually go outside and make him dissapointed. "Sure he can, he just needs to buck up and go, I'm telling you man, I know my son, once Jake gets out in the sun, in a car, he'll be going nuts!" Greg assured him grinning, "I know my patient, and I think its too early for him to go out," Logan replied, he realized he sounded snarky with it, but it was only because he was protective over Jake and didn't want to put him in harms way if he could help it.

"Logan, under all that medicine and doctor lables, Jakes still Jake, he's gonna love it," Greg told him still excited but a bit more stern before he started to head to Jake's room, "Greg, where are you going?" Pam asked sounding a bit worried, "To see my son, you already have" Greg said as he walked away, Pam glanced at Logan nervously.

"He convince him to go out p, Jake can't even walk, he'd have to carry him out" Logan assured Pam she seemed a bit relieved at that, but soon got solemn again."I just wish we could do something...I feel so awful looking at him in that bed..." Pam said sighing, Logan put an arm around her, "I know Ma," He told her, Pam turned to hug Logan fully, "At least I have one child I can snuggle" Pam said holding Logan tightly, making him chuckle hugging her back. He knew Jake didn't want everyone hovering over him, which was the reason he wanted his parents to act chill around him, but it did feel good having them here, even if they couldn't stay.

"Hey Jake-o!" Greg said walking into Jake's room, Jake tensed seeing his Dad, finding himself desperately wanting to sit up now, his father wasn't "mean" to him, but he'd always been more stern, and rough raising him, while Jake- although tough, had always been a more passionate, emotional person, and now with him being sick, Jake was sure Greg was expecting him to still be the way he "trained" him at home, Jake however didn't have the energy for it though, and felt a mixture of panic and excitement seeing his father.

"How you feelin'?" Greg asked clapping his hands together rubbing them as he approached the bed, looking Jake over, Jake wasn't sure if he was just looking, or judging him for just laying there doing nothing. "I feel great!" Jake lied, trying to open his eyes more to seem lively and smile to convince his Dad he hadn't gotten weak.

"That's what I thought," Greg said grinning before he grabbed a chair sitting down, "How about a ride?" Greg questioned giving Jakes shoulder a few quick pats, Jake winced inwardly from the pain; besides the disease eating away at him, Jake hadn't really been able to keep his own body active, which made any rough touches seem extra harsh to his tender body...

"A ride?" Jake asked furrowing his brows, "Yeah boy, ya know, open road, LA sunshine, fresh air! Maybe you can spot some hotties on the street?" Greg suggested arching his eyebrows nudging at him, Jake laughed nervously, although a fun outting for Jake, as far as he knew he couldn't move, and plus he didn't want to risk trying and make himself feel worse. *I can't just say I don't feel like it* Jake thought.

Jake was really in the mood to be in bed, talk and get some type of loving affection to help him out of his own head drama, being outside could help, or it could renforce in his brain how sad and upset he was that he couldn't be like those people so freely living their lives...Going out with his family felt like a gamble with his mental health right then in all honesty.

"Sounds good," Jake told him noticing he was zoning out again, "See- I told them!" Greg exclaimed happily, "Tjat's my boy!" He told him grabbing Jake's shoulder saueezing it before jumping up, "I'll go tell your mom and brother, and we'll get this show on the road man!" Greg promised him, "Lets gooo!" Jake cheered grinning before Greg left him.

Jake cursed under his breath just as soon as he was alone again.

This visit was just getting more and more difficult...

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