Chapter 4 The cold Truth

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"Gooood mornin' Jake Paulers" Jake said into his camera, his voice coming out stuffy, he hadn't recovered from last night, and his nose was still clogged, although he had to get on with the video for that day, it was "every day bro" after all.

"Make sure ya smilin', make suar ya workin hard! And make sure your dabbing on the haterss!" Jake said into the camera, before walking around the house, going to wake up Team ten members, he had already went to set, it wasn't a film day, so he didn't have to spend much time there, which he was definitely happy about.

"Erikaaaa! Are you awake?!" Jake screeched coming into her room, "Oh my gosh Jake, are you trying to destroy my eardrums?" Erika asked cleaning out her ear, see was laying on her bed, laptop on her stomach
before Jake came in to disturb her.

"You sound like your talking through your nose" Erika noticed giggling, "I am" Jake said zooming in on her, "Do you have a cold or something?" Erika asked laughing a little, Jake looked like a lightbulb went off in his head, before he left abruptly, "Shut my door!" Erika screamed at him, but Jake ignored her, making her sigh in frustration, going to close it, while Jake ran to Nick, continuing his vlog.

*A cold! Of course!* Jake thought feeling relieved, he never thought he'd be so happy to have a cold, but it just helped him explain things, he was probably just getting sick, that's why he was so tired, why his nose felt so stuffy.

"Yo...Why you bout to go for a run though?" Jake asked Nick casually, "What do you mean you moron?" Nick asked not taking his eyes off his laptop's screen, Jake shushed his camera, before leaning down close to Nick's eye level, bugging his eyes as he stared at him, Nick's face stayed stoic, while Jake made faces at him.

"Don't ignore me Nicholas" Jake warned him, "Let me work" Nick whined,
Jake slowly brought a taser up to the side of Nick's face, before giggling at the camera again, he pressed down on the button, making the taser make a loud *BUZZ* sound, making Nick's serious expression quickly switch to a shocked and scared one.

"Woooooooh! Ahhhhh!" Nick screamed jumping up, running away, after pushing his chair back at Jake, who laughed like crazy at Nick's reaction, he started to chase him around, racing Nick around the house, "Nick! Bro come back!" Jake shouted buzzing the taser at him a few more times, Nick ran by some of the other Tech assistant's whom weren't able to work thanks to looking at Nick running for his life
laughing at him.

Nick ran around the tables making the other employees duck and cover themselves trying not to get hit, Nick picked up a empty char chucking it at Jake, the laughter was abruptly stopped when Nick hit his mark.

Normally Jake would have been able to dodge Nick's attacks, the "segment" they did on the vlog, was one they were both use to, Jake was athletic he could chase Nick forever, they almost knew each others movements, neither expecting to REALLY get hurt.

"Oh my god!" Megan gasped standing up from her desk, looking at Jake whom had got hit in the face, and took a nasty spill hitting the floor with a hard thud.

Megan walked around her desk to see if he was okay, while one of Jake's Technical support girls;MaiLinh, stood up closing her laptop, a surprised look on her face.

"Yoooo" Jake droned out, hand over his face while he started to sit up, "Oh...-Jake I didn't mean that!" Nick quickly said going to help him up, "It's fine, it's fine" Jake tried to assure him chuckling a little, feeling everyone's eyes on him, he felt compelled to get up faster not wanting to worry anyone.

Jake got up keeping a grin on his face, "Thanks Nick" Jake said shaking his hand, having Nick just stare at him in confusion
letting his arm and hand be move loosely, "Wh-What?" Nick stuttered, "Now I got a title and thumbnail!" Jake shouted celebrating, making Megan and MaiLinh laugh a bit, seeming as though they calmed down,
"Wild Brit hits me with a chair *Not clickbait*!" Jake said laughing again, "Do not post that title" Nick warned him, "It's either that or you get deported" Jake said with grin and shrug, Nick's eyes widened and he ran away, making Jake laugh again as he went on with the joke.

It was later in the day and Jake had finished up his vlog, deciding he'd go to the store to get some stuff for his cold, and ice for his face, seeing as Nick hitting him gave him a killer headache.

"Anyone ready to head out?" Jake asked spinning his keys on his finger, "Down!" Anthony said getting up throwing a JP hoodie on, "Might as well make a trio" Chance said grinning, as he went out with them, the three pilling in the truck together.

Jake started it up, and turned on some music, while the drove out of the neighborhood, going off into the lit up city, passing glowing signs, and bright store windows welcoming costumers.

Jake was silently still relieved, he had a cold, a cold he could deal with, a cold he could take medicine for, get some rest for, and eventually be better.

Jake gripped the steering wheel a smile spreading across his face, "What you smiling for Paul!?" Chance asked pulling on his face messing with him, "Nothing- just having a good time" Jake replied genuinely.
"SOFT!" Anthony shouted, before Jake smacked at him, the three laughing continuing to tease each other.

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