Chapter 62 Ride or Lie

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"Yeah mom, Jake's good, I'm good...what? No, everything's's just you make a big deal out of things, no, no, were okay, I'm taking care of him" Logan spoke on the phone with Pam, neither of the boys had given their parents really good updates on Jake or his health, just barely enough to keep them from jumping on a plane and flying out to see him.

Logan hadn't meant to keep them in the dark, but he knew Jake wanted his space from people worrying too much over him, it was hard enough for him to just let him be his caretaker, without having his parents treat him like a little baby.

"We'll call more...Yes I promise, I got to go, we're breaking up- uh oh, bye!" Logan said getting off the phone with her, blowing out some air, as he continued pacing waiting for Jake, still crossing his fingers waiting on the doctor to say he was cancer free...

"Mr.paul?" Dr.Collins said walking over, removing her mask, "Is he okay?" Logan asked, "He's getting his chemotherapy right now, we've scanned him already" she informed him, "anddd...?" Logan questioned bracing for whatever news, "Stage two. He still has it, it's not as big or spread out to his body- don't get too excited" She quickly said watching Logan's relieved happy face.

"He's still sick, it can go either way right now he could move up a stage or go back, we'll have to see next time he comes in, monitor him, just because he's feeling a little better doesn't mean he should do everything yet" Dr.Collins informed him, Logan nodded, he liked being the first to know about what Jake was going through and what he needed, but he still couldn't shake his tiredness from it all.
"Try telling him that" Logan chuckled a little, "That's good he has so much will power, it definitely helps him on the recovery" Dr.Collins said with a little smile, before it quickly turned serious once again, "I think he's getting a little cold, shouldn't be anything too contagious, he only got it because of him having such a weak immune system right now," She said before handing over some cold medicine, "You can go in and see him now, it'll be a while before he's done getting his chemotherapy, then you can take him home, he should still be woozy and nauseous after this" Dr.Collins informed him.

"Why so distracted? Are you okay?" Erika heard the words from across the table, although she still didn't turn to face who it came from, "Erika" The voice said again in concern, this time a larger hand was gently placed on hers, she had resting on the table. Erika flinched before finally looking over, seeing the soft eyed man looking back at her.

"Erika, What's wrong?" He asked again, "Nothing, I'm fine..." Erika lied smiling at him, he chuckled a bit before slowly rubbing her hand with his thumb, before biting his lip looking into her eyes, "It's a shame you have to work tonight, I could have...Really made sure you were feeling fine" He told her scooting up further with a wink, Erika gulped feeling her stomach flutter while they gazed into each other's eyes, his grip on her hand tightening a bit, he was about to lean over the small table separating them when a loud beep interrupted them.

Erika smiled, before whispering a "I'm sorry Aaron" He chuckled showing off his straight white smile, before collapsing back into his chair a weak smile of disappointment on his face, "Your alarm?" He questioned referring to the beeping still emitting from her phone, "Yeah..." Erika said about to apologise for it again while taking out her phone, "It's fine, I'll see you later," Arron said putting his hand up before standing up leaning over to hug Erika from over the table, "Okay?" He said to confirm it, "Definitely" Erika breathed out, folding her lips smiling at him as he leaned away. the two finished their goodbyes Erika getting into her car, cursing under her breath her stomach churning, she was already technically late, the sun had begin setting already, and it'd probably be night by the time she got there...

"We don't want any-! Erika?" Evan said standing in the doorway, his robe on along with his headset, he arched an eyebrow watching Erika fidgeting, "Hey, is Jake home?" She asked, Evan had a look of annoyance at his mention, but stepped back letting her in, "They got back from the hospital a while ago, Jake wasn't feeling well threw up on the carpet and went to bed, Logan stayed up scrubbing it for an hour" Evan informed her shuddering at the memory, he sharply looked at her frowning, "And your dating him?" He questioned, "Yeah...Jake is more than this sickness" Erika said making Evan shrug, "Well, your choice, he's in Logan's room" Evan said before going to his and Mark's shared room, shutting the door before Erika could thank him.

*Don't act suspicious, don't look guilty* Erika repeated to herself as she tried to wear a normal smile as she approached the door, feeling small with every step she took. Erika stood in front of Logan's old bedroom door, taking in a deep breath before knocking, quickly straightening out her clothes and fluffing her hair, before the door was opened by a exhausted looking Logan, his hair messier then normal, and eyes sleepy.

"Hey Logan, are you okay?" Erika asked looking him over, "Yeah, I've just been trying be in here while Jake's awake, and keep up with work-" Logan was explaining before smiling at her, although he didn't really trust most people around Jake now after the suspicion rising from the whole "Chad" situation, he trusted Erika, and was a little relieved to have her over to stay with Jake while he got himself a break without being concerned if Jake was alone.

"I'm glad your here, Jake was mumbling about you the ride home" Logan said, "Oh, yeah we made plans for me to come over" Erika told him, "Well don't let me stand in the way," Logan said walking out letting Erika in the bedroom. Logan looked over his shoulder with a sly smile after walking out, "See you later- Mrs.Paul" He said laughing at the blush that creeped on Erika's face before shutting the door leaving her alone with Jake.

Erika stood there still trying to collect her thoughts before turning to face Jake, but she soon heard a weak but otherwise elated voice.
"Erika?" Jake spoke up, his voice a sleepy whisper, Erika turned to look at him her heart melting seeing the image in front of her. Jake was wearing the pajamas Erika brought him, his blanket rumpled on different parts of his body, his eyes were sleepy, his hair tussled, but he was smiling, and almost automatically put his arms up reaching for her, "C'mer, gimme kiss" Jake said pouting as he reached for her, Erika giggled rolling her eyes at him, "Wait a minute" She told him before going off to wash her hands and face.

"Erika!" Jake cheered, his eyes lighting up as soon as she came back into the room, "Hi," Erika chuckled coming over to the bed leaning down to him letting him wrap his arms around her, giggling as she felt Jake sigh holding her, she slipped into the bed, Jake's arms glued around her as she laid down, laughing at how attached he was.

"Jake, I'm not going anywhere" Erika giggled, the words made her feel sick and her tongue bitter as soon as she said it, although Jake didn't seem to notice, "I knooow" Jake said yawning, pulling Erika closer hugging onto her body, pressing them together, making sure to put the blankets over her frame too. "How was the doctor visit?" Erika asked, "Boring like normal" Jake mumbled his chest rumbling on Erika, the casual way he said it made her giggle a bit, "My doctor said I'm getting better though, the cancer seems to be diminishing" Jake said sounding a little more happy, although his voice was still a bit slurred from the medicine, their bodies slowly getting more entangled while that chatted with one another, Jake's leg between Erika's scooting closer to her, arms wrapped around her his head snuggled by her shoulder, while she put her arms around him as well hugging and snuggling him, which Jake was overjoyed with.

"I'm so proud of you" Erika said gently, "It wasn't me, it was the doctors" Jake chuckled lightly, "it was absolutely you, you've been so strong Jake, most people can't handle this, they give up... But you never have, you should be really proud of yourself too..." Erika told him her tone a bit more serious, Jake snuggled her mutely as he took in her words, he suddenly placed a small warm kiss on her cheek, making Erika gasp.

Erika and Jake had always flirted, (well mostly Jake to her) they'd just started dating, but had known each other forever, Jake wasn't sure if Erika was gasping cause it seemed too quick for a kiss...But after all she was laying in bed with him, Jake at this point didn't much see Erika as just his "girlfriend" she was his partner, the person he wanted to be with, he was this weak and sick, and here she was loving him, he was certain he wouldn't find another girl like her anytime soon...

"You're my ride or die" Jake told her his voice a bit low and hoarse from falling asleep, the moment was so tender to Erika, he sounded so sincere when he said it, so sure...So not the childish Jake Paul she was use to hearing. Erika could have spoke, but she decided to leave it on that last note just enjoying the comfortable silence just being with Jake like that made, hugging him tighter, silencing her brain letting Jake's soft breaths put her to sleep...

A/N:Hi guys! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving weekend! I sure did!
Don't forget to follow the account MadamBird to follow my new series! Let me know if you followed it in the comments! And go comment your thoughts on it! It's updates are coming soon! ILY! 💞🐣

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