Chapter 78 Haunted Wanting

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"Quit peeking!" Pam scolded, slightly startling Mark whom had been looking in Jake's room cracking the door open, "I'm trying to see if he's okay" Mark said turning towards her, "Listen, I know your trying, but Jake's only sleeping right now, you can relax" Pam assured him, Mark sighed rubbing the back of his neck as he got away from his door, "I just don't want to let Logan down, you know? Make him feel like he can't take time for himself..." Mark confessed, she and him soon migrated back to the couch, Pam having a warm smile on her face as she sat.

"I'm glad Logan and Jake have a good friend around," Pam told him, "Its been really hard trying to come back and forth to visit so much, me and Greg were planning on trying to just move out here to LA" She told him, "Really? What did Logan say about that?" Mark asked a little shocked at the decision, Pam and Greg's whole lives were in Ohio, Pam had a family back there, both had homes, other family... "I didn't exactly tell him yet...Or Jake, they appreciate the help, but even now they want to handle everything themselves," Pam said before giggling a bit with a bittersweet expression, "We raised some independent children, I suppose its a good thing, but its tough when they don't want you to hold their hand for everything anymore, especially when their so hurt..." She explained, "Hey, you're doing what you can, its all you can do really Mrs.Stepnick" Mark said trying to comfort her, Pam looked down before she smiled at him.

"Do you know where Logan went?" She asked, "He texted me, he said he was gonna have a little late dinner by himself, maybe do some window shopping, hang with some friends? He said he'll be back tonight though" Mark told her, "Good, Jake gets along with him best" Pam said happily, "Are you going to tell them about moving?" Mark asked a little concerned about it still, "I suppose I'll ask before everything is finalized, Logan says we can be overwhelming sometimes..." Pam said before rolling her eyes, "What does he expect! One childs sick and the other is pulling himself thin!" She said shaking her head making Mark shake his head laughing a little, "Leave it to the Pauls to be stubborn, even now" He said.

Jake squirmed around in his bed, he felt his body cramping, the slight chill of any part of him not covered felt like something hacking at his bones, he tried to stay asleep but his body kept shocking him with pains, the more he tensed from the pain the worse he felt, and when the nausea kicked in from how intense everything got, Jake's tired eyes finally came open.

A groan slipped out of Jake's mouth, his limbs throbbing and stomach twisting, he sat up in his bed looking around the dark room, he automatically wanted some medicine to numb the pain, and grabbed his phone about to text Logan for it, but just as his fingertips grazed the top it lit up, showing he'd gotten a message. Jake frowned as he brought the phone to his face the light blinding his eyes a little, he finally adjusted to the screen light and read the name and text.

Erika💔: Jake, I just want to apologize, please call me? I want to explain everything...Please.

Jake felt his stomach flop even worse, he cringed staring at the text, his heart beat suddenly becoming stronger, he did want to know why everything happened how it did, but he also wanted to try and forget it all just the same...Jake knew the pain wouldn't just vanish just because he wished it away, Erika wouldn't just not be a part of his life somehow...

Jake's thumbs awkwardly danced over his keyboard, should he text her? Or leave well enough alone, he was hurting but he was on his way trying to get over her and focus on both his physical and mental health, texting or even calling her would either make his situation better or devastate him... Jake balled his lips rereading her text over again.

Jake drug himself out of bed to the bathroom, he felt slower than normal but adrenalin kept him moving. He sat on the toilets lid now listening as the phone rung against his ear, he swallowed hard his chest pulsing with anxiety as he waited for her to answer...Jake began gnawing at Logan's hoodies string, he decided to hang up and just try to go to bed, but it was too late...Erika had answered.

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