Chapter 81

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"Hey bro..." Logan said as he slowly walked into the check up room, Jake was laying back in his big chair, he had a mask on covering his mouth and nose, along with an eye mask, Logan eyed him, *Is he asleep?* Logan thought walking over, he went to move Jake's eye mask gently and wake him to take him home, in the back of his mind he wanted to keep him at the cancer center just to make sure he was okay with everything, but knowing Jake, he would want to be at home to recover.

Logan took the mask off, cursing as he jumped a little seeing Jake's eyes were open already looking around. "You scared the-!? Your awake?" Logan asked calming down a little, a hand on his chest, Jake blinked a few times before looking at him, "You scaredy caaat" Jake slurred, "Oh, drowsy again, must be the extra medicine?" Logan guessed, Jake just chuckled loosely still looking around the room in wonder, "You ready to go home?" Logan asked him, getting his attention again. "Aye, aye Captain" Jake said saluting him, Logan chuckled before grabbing Jake under his arms to stand him up.

Jake chuckled quietly, before bursting into a fit of laughter squirming as Logan tried to help him up, "Stop moving bro!" Logan said trying to be stern, but Jake ducking down in his arms and the sound of his laughter made Logan crack a smile as well, "Jake, Jake!" Logan tried to control him as Jake slurred and giggled, making Logan keep having to readjust his hands under his arms not to drop him.

"It tickles, stoooop!" Jake told him laughing again, "Jake we need to get home- Just, wait, wait!" Logan said getting a grip sitting Jake back down while his eyes wandered around again, "Okay, so while we walk out, lean on my side, I'll put my arm around you and keep you steady, okay?" Logan said, "Bro..." Jake said turning to look at him his eyes wide, "What? Whats the matter?" Logan asked frowning, "I think- I think I'll be a rockstar" Jake announced, before nodding his head slowly confirming it, "Jake, nows not the time" Logan told him looking a little defeated, "Its always time to follow your dreams" Jake told him arching his eyebrows at him, Logan chuckled shaking his head.

"Are you sure they gave you drugs? Sounds like normal Jake bull to me" Logan laughed, while Jake got out his air guitar, sloppily playing, Logan eventually got him to stand up, mostly letting Jake's weight shift on him while he took him out, Jake constantly babbling stuff Logan could hardly answer to. Although, always hilarious for Logan to watch his brother drone on like an idiot, he hoped the medicine was actually working, he at least didn't seem like he was in pain right then, he hated to see Jake hurting, he was only 20 years old and going through so many changes at once he had so much to worry about, it was nice that they could laugh together again...

If the situation was teaching Logan anything, it was to love your family harder and to always be thankful for your health.

Logan stopped by a store to buy Jake a smoothie, something that would be easy on his stomach, he drove Jake around to some of his old favorite places, watching his eyes light up as he talked about memories there or spoke about more of his passions;cars.

It was funny and difficult to listen to him slur things, but he could still tell Jake was having a good time, and that satisfied Logan, he drove till it was getting late again, and Jake was falling asleep, thats when he came back into his apartment buildings parkinglot. Logan whipped out his phone texting his parents about Jake's check up, before he took a deep breath letting it out, preparing to lift Jake and take him back in the apartment.

"Logan..." Jake spoke quietly, he'd scooted as far as he could to Logan's seat and laid against his older brother, while breathed slow, sleep taking over, "Yes Brother Jake?" Logan asked expecting him to say something else ridiculous, "Thank you" Jake said with a yawn, "You don't have to thank me kid" Logan told him putting his arm around him, "Logan...Your my best friend," Jake told him looking up at him, it caught Logan by surprise, he couldn't tell if it was from the medicine still or not, but the way he said it made Logan smile a little, feeling warm, "I love you" Jake said sloppily hugging onto Logan, Logan gently hugged him back, swallowing hard.

"What are you doing to me kid? I'm a maverick, an animal!" Logan comically ranted quietly, "Your trying to turn me into some kinda- teddy bear" He continued his quiet rant before chuckling down at Jake who was already knocked out.

"You're my best friend too, get better soon...I mean it" Logan whispered his tone a bit more serious as he gazed down at his frail baby brother.

Logan had basically carried Jake back in and into bed tucking him in careful to be quiet as he did so. Things weren't perfect, but they were together, as crazy as everything had gotten, from the media to the sickness, friendships or girlfriends, they always came together in the end to be each others safe place...They had a lot to be grateful for too, Jake was sick, but he wasn't so bad off he had to be at the hospital, he could move around better then a lot of the sick people Logan encountered in that center, and was on his way to getting better every single day.

"Ayoo Logan! Whats poppin!?" Logan said into his camera the soft light of the sun peeking in from his balcony, his dog yapping and bird squawking in the background. "A lot of things you guys don't know about me, lets number em'! #1:I'm sexy," Logan said before flexing with a wink, "Or maybe you knew that one," He whispered into the camera before moving it out again, "And #2:I'm an inspiring chef! And today, I will be making pancakes for me and little brother Jakey! Plenty of fruits and nuts! AHHh!" Logan exclaimed showing his ingredients, "I'm gonna make that, and some bacon, eggs- we're not stopping there! We got hash-browns too," Logan told his audience spinning around with a grin showing the display, "I'm gonna get to cooking! Lets hope this place doesn't burn down!" He squeaked excitedly, sitting his camera down, taking it up a few times for angles of his breakfast montage.

Logan was looking over some of the footage on his camera after actually making up two plates of hot breakfast, it was still mostly quiet and peaceful right then in the morning, Logan was actually still just in gray sweatpants and no shirt, having went earlier to the gym after making sure Jake was still asleep. Just as Logan was about to get the plates and bring them in, and possibly film them having breakfast together, he heard Jake loudly and sharply curse, which automatically sent jolts through his nerves, Logan put the camera down and ran over hearing Jake now repeating his name over and over again, the tone he used set Logan off more, not knowing what could have been going on in there....

"Jake- Jakey what's the matter bro?!" Logan questioned frantically as he rushed in, he saw Jake laying awkwardly not under his blankets, he was breathing hard and looked bewildered, almost in a cold sweat.

Logan got down by Jake checking him out, his forehead creased in worry, "What happened? Are you okay!?" Logan asked, "I..." Jake said before tensing up gritting his teeth, Logan noticed and swiftly helped Jake stretching out his position so he was laying properly with his head on the pillows again, "You good?" Logan asked again, heart still pounding, "I- I don't know, I tried to get up and I couldn't, my legs threw me down, I tried to keep myself up, but my arms felt heavy, I almost fell, I don't know what happened bro, I still can't move right-!" Jake spoke quickly, he still looked unsettled, and was running over himself with information, "Calm down, calm down, I'll call the doctor" Logan told him trying to remain chill, he was freaking out just as much as Jake though, that was one thing never stripped from him; Sure it was hard, but Jake could always move, walk around and  take care of himself, they both had a right to be terrified, but Logan's role meant he couldn't be, he sat by Jake hiding his anxiety as the phone rung for Dr.Collins...

A/N:Whoa, what's with all these updates?🤔 Teehee, hope you guys enjoy 😉 We getting into a new arch!

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