Chapter 12 Lets Figure it Out

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Jake woke up with a headache, his back also hurt, and for a brief moment he was confused as to where he was, then it suddenly hit him.

*My bathroom* Jake thought remembering throwing up the other night, he tried getting up and with his legs shaking he finally was on his feet, honestly in his head he was panicking, why was he getting worse? Why did he feel so bad, he didn't work the other day, he followed his doctor's orders and he was taking some medicine...At this rate what would his doctor say at his next appointment? How was he gonna vlog? How would his team react to his sloppy job?

Jake felt his heartbeat speeding up, he knew he shouldn't be stressing about work right then, but it was all he could think of, in his eyes- His career just started, his team was just really taking off, Jake's panicking thoughts were cut off by him coughing roughly, it kept going till some warm liquid came up from his throat, thinking it was more vomit Jake quickly spit into the toilet.

Jake's face paled when he watched the crimson liquid hit into the clear water, it slowly spread, causing the water to turn a light red color, Jake felt himself physically tremble, he slowly rubbed his lip getting more of the liquid on his fingers, he swallowed harshly staring down at his own blood, his mind sending him into a dark mindset, he was scared of vomiting like the other night...Would it all be blood this time?

"Jake? You up?" Jake heard a muffled voice outside of his bathroom, Jake quickly cleaned off his face and washed his hands before walking out, he couldn't be scared, he couldn't seem weak, he was the boss.

"Yo, Erika, what's up?" Jake said grinning, seeing his brunette assistant turn around facing him, "Oh you are awake," Erika said grinning, "You need to hurry and come downstairs, we have a merch photoshoot to go to- You don't get two sick days" She said sassily, before lightly punching Jake's arm, "Oh, yo that's today?" Jake asked casually as he shuffled to his closet, "Yeah, I notified you," Erika reminded him, "Wear something you can take off easily" She quickly said, Jake turned around with a smirk, "Erika, you dirty, dirty little girl" Jake said arching his eyebrows, "Shut up!" Erika said blushing as she caught on to his joke, Jake just laughed his voice coming out a bit raspy from staying up vomiting.

"Do you feel okay?" Erika suddenly asked startling Jake, "I'm good, what do you mean?" Jake quickly lied, "Oh, good" Erika replied before walking out, "I'll leave you to get dressed!" She called, "You can stay if you want" Jake jokingly flirted again, to which Erika told him to shut up again as she left, causing Jake to chuckle again.

Jake's smile soon turned to a worried expression, as his laughter turned to another coughing fit, he desperately tried to stop it scared of bleeding again, he started to get ready for the day absently, his mind heavily on his health.

*Who can I ask about this? Should I see my doctor? Should I call mom- mad idea she'll freak out...If I DID go to the doctor, I wouldn't want to go alone though...* Jake rambled in his head, as he showered, brushed his teeth, and got dressed in a white-t and some loose shorts accompanied by a white cap and yeezys.

Jake sat on his bed for a quick rest before he had to go down and be high energy for his vlog and for his friends, he decided to text someone about the doctor as he didn't seem to be getting better.

Jake: Yo, bro! You busy?

Logan: Nah bro, I'm done filming for today, about to hit the gym YAH YEET!

Jake: Cool, cool....

Logan: What's up lil bro?

Jake:Uh, if you are done with the gym in a hour or two? Can you come with me somewhere??

Logan: I guess? You wanna film today instead??

Jake: Still not up to filming...I was thinking something else...

Logan: What? Is something wrong?

Jake fidgeted a little waiting to respond, he didn't want to make a big deal out of anything, but he honestly would rather get some prescription drugs and be okay, then to be sick and worried, and he sure as heck didn't want to go alone...In case he didn't only need a prescription.

Logan: Jake you there??

Jake: Yeah...Uh, got busy real quick, haha grind don't stop!

Logan: Oh do you have to go?

Jake: No...uh, about going somewhere, are you available?

Logan: Probably, as long as it doesn't take too long, I have to get some sleep, film and edit, ya know

Jake: It probably won't take long, I want to get a check up, and wanted you to come, if you ain't busy...

Jake swallowed nervously, coughing into his hand while he waited for Logan to respond, hoping Logan wouldn't say no, or think he was joking about it, he was nervous, and Logan was the only blood relative he had in the state.

Logan: A check up? I thought you weren't scheduled one till later?

Jake: I'm not, but I'm not feeling to well, and the doctor said to come in if it got worse...

Logan: It got worse? What's wrong?

Jake: Um, I wouldn't say WORSE, I'd just feel more comfortable if I got a check up, it's getting in the way of work, so....

Logan: Well duh bro, of course I'll go, 100%, I'll go right now if you want

Jake: Nah, I have a photoshoot you have to workout, I'll come pick you up after

Logan: Great, I can sure stay focused, while my baby Bros DyInG

Jake chuckled a bit at his screen, automatically getting a bit more calm, Logan was joking, and it made the situation not feel so awful and dooming...

Jake: Don't be so DrAmAtIc!

Logan: I can't hElP iT!

Jake: I'll see you later bro, chill out! Lol

Logan: aight' G, kill that shoot bro💪

Jake: Kill dat work out! 🔥

Jake put his phone back in his pocket before taking in a deep breath letting it out, *I'll be okay, I'm a savage, it's everyday bro* Jake told himself, before going down to join Team10.

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