Chapter 94 Skin Mask

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"Hi honey!" Logan heard the sound of his mothers voice behind him, it was a sunny day in LA, and Logan had gotten up early enough to work out and jog around the block before he had to get Jake and himself ready for the day. Logan enjoyed working out while blasting music usually, he liked having a sculpted body, but things were a bit different when he went to work out now, since Jake had gotten sick Logan learned to appreciate how healthy he was, to be able to walk around let alone work out, he spent some time working out without the crazy music blasting just to really pay attention to his thoughts and understand just how lucky he was.

"Your all sweaty!" Pam exclaimed moving back from hugging Logan who chuckled before trying to air out his gray tanktop, "I just got back in from jogging- When did you get here?" Logan asked his eyes lighting up seeing his parents, "I had a late flight and could barely fall asleep on the plane, I was so nervous!" Pam told him, she was still smiling but looked a bit anxious, "Why are you nervous? You fly all the time" Logan said making Pam roll her eyes at him, "I'm nervous to see Jake! How's he been honey?" Pam asked clinging her hands together with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Well, he's okay...his friends visited him reccently" Logan trailed on as he guided his parents back into his apartment and out of the hall, "Does he know were here?" Greg asked, "No, I don't think I told him you two were coming" Logan said as he walked to the kitchen washing his hands as he prepared to make himself a protein shake.

"I wanna go see my baby!" Pam said dancing in place a little still holding her hands together, "He's in his room, just clean off before you go in" Logan warned her, "Logan, I'm a nurse, I know the drill" She assured him with a little chuckle, "Are you coming?" She asked Greg as she headed to the bathroom, "I'm gonna talk with Logan for a minute," Greg muttered, Pam shrugged before going away, eager to see Jake.

"So, how's he with the medicine and stuff? I've been hearing he was bedridden?" Greg said coming over leaning his hands on the counter looking down at Logans hands while he cut up fruit, "He's sick, he's had fevers, he's thrown up, its worse then last round of chemo, the medicine is stronger, its taking its toll, but he's alright ya know?" Logan said glancing up at his father briefly before slicing up a banana, "Jake's a tough kid, always has been! He's a Paul afterall," Greg piped up, "He's probably just itching to get out of bed!" He said grinning, Logan smiled back, "Yeah, he doesn't like being stuck there at all" Logan told him.

Logan knew it was just conversation and of course his parents were just as concerned, but somewhere he worried in his mind about his parents real reactions to seeing Jake in person again, he knew his mother might go full nurture mode, while he father on the other hand might not be as sensitive as he needed to be in Jake's situation, he'd been working hard to keep Jake from feeling too angry at himself for feeling sad, but Greg could change that and make him close himself off again.

Pam walked in quietly, her heart melted and she sighed with a pout seeing her youngest son, Jake was laying on his back his head propped up on a pillow as well as his feet at the end of the bed, he had a blanket on him stopping short across his chest, his chest was rising and falling slowly, he still looked pale, and was slightly shivering.

Pam felt her eyes go hot, she knew it wasn't easy to have that disease, between hospital visits, there was all the pain that came from it along with side effects of the drugs they used on him, that could effect his mood and overall body, Pam got closer to the bed gazing down at Jake, he was so young, barely out of being a teenager, and to go through so much right then...

Pam placed a gentle hand on his forehead stroking it, before leaning down to kiss his pale soft cheek, she felt Jake flinch under the kiss, before he slowly opened his eyes, looking sleepy and confused.

"Mom?" Jake's tired voice squeaked out, "Hi Jakey," Pam said her voice soft and gentle, "How are you feeling today?" She asked before pulling his blankets up more tucking him in to help with his shivers, Jake groaned a little in response as he tried to stretch, Pam noticed the slight look of pain that flashed across his face and it hurt her heart, she knew Logan told her not to be too "soft" or "mushy" around Jake, but her motherly instincts just wanted to hug and snuggle him.

"I'm fine..." Jake said groggily, Jake still felt down, he was still desperate to talk to someone about how he was feeling, however he was embarrassed, what if he broke down and couldn't even fake being okay anymore once he let them know? He didn't want to be a clingy, crying, needy little punk...

"I want to hear about your trips to the doctor and see the medicine your taking," Pam told him, as she sat down, she felt disconnect from her sons treatment and wanted to catch up as much as she could, make sure his doctor was a good one and check the effects on every pill bottle, it was the least she could do since she couldn't stay with him.

Jake began recalling his trips there making jokes out of it like normal to appear like himself, but inside he was still wishing, pleading with his eyes that Pam noticed how awful he felt and would just hug him, he knew better then to think his parents could solve any problems, but just for a moment he wanted to feel safe in his mothers arms like when he was a child, and just pretend she could make all the bad things go away; No more doctors, no more pills, no more pain or hospital bills...

"Yeah? Which one was it?" Pam asked frowning, "H-huh?" Jake mumbled, "You were telling me about the medication? Which one made you feel nauseous?" Pam asked again as he son had just seemed to zone out while talking to her, "I forgot...Logan usually takes care of that, leave it to Nurse Lo" Jake chuckled, Pam looked skeptical, but seemed to shrug it off, "You still seem tired honey, I'll let you relax and see about helping Logan with your breakfast~" She told him before leaving a quick kiss to his forehead, standing up to leave out keeping herself from bombarding Jake with questions and smothering him.

If he could have moved better, Jake would have held her there, he wanted the contact so bad, and was a little sad and shocked he wasn't getting more affection from his own mother, but he didn't want to make a fuss, he couldn't force her to hold him...

"Mama come back..." Jake pleaded under his breath as Pam left, he knew she wouldn't have heard it, he didn't really want her to, cause the way he said it made him sound broken and pathetic, and he didn't want to be seen that way, so he just sighed and tried to get his mind right, he was hurting and upset, but at least his family was there with him for now, and for however long the visit was he would try to keep pushing that he was "fine" to keep from anymore upsets happening.

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