Chapter 19 Long way up far way down

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Jake vlogged most of his time on set and coming home, he finished it off before he got to the house, all he wanted to down when he got home was flop down and sleep.

Jake walked through the front door past all the screaming fans, he loved them, but the constant screaming and being at his house was getting on his nerves, the noise sounded a lot louder now and almost instantly gave him a headache everyday...

"Who just came in?" Jake heard Erika ask from the other room, Tessa sat on a trampoline in the main room eating a bowl of cereal, she glanced over smiling and waving at Jake, Jake smiled back.

"It's Jake!" Tessa announced loudly, Jake winced a bit from it, but kept going, heading for the stairs, Erika suddenly emerged from her room, she ran up to Jake grabbing him quickly "Jake!" Erika squeaked hugging him, Jake was taken off guard, he hadn't really ever been greeted like that, seeing Erika so happy to see him was weird.

"Hi Rik-" Jake barely got the words out before Erika grabbed his wrist taking him into her room slamming the door shut, she plopped down on the bed and patted it for Jake to sit next to her, Jake slowly walked over sitting down a puzzled look on his face.

"How do you feel?" Erika questioned him, her expression full of concern, Erika must have been worrying about him and his illness all day, Jake could see it from her face to her body language, he regretted telling her, and having her this concerned over him.

"I'm fine I guess." Jake muttered, "Maybe we can figure out what to do here for you, what kind of symptoms were you having?" Erika asked scooting a little closer to him to place her hand on his back for comfort, Jake glanced at her before looking down, he hated emotional talks, he lived a fast pace life and found it hard to open up to people, especially with something so personal as this...

"I've been coughing a lot, fevers, chills, feeling woozy and-" Jake began listing his symptoms, Erika's face twisted in concerned fear as she listened, her heartbeat had picked up as he told her, and she started subconsciously started rubbing Jake's back, she felt a scared pressure as she thought about how awful it must have been for Jake just trying to do his normal work days with feeling so sick.

Jake suddenly jerked forwards sneezing, the loud and sudden sound startled Erika, making her jump along with him, "Sorry" Jake said wiping his nose, "You're good" Erika told him, she was about to ask him to continue but Jake cursing got her attention, she followed his gaze which was down at his hand, she saw a smear of red liquid on the back of his hand and fingers.

"Are you bleeding?" Erika asked looking up at his face, her heart dropped and stomach churned, she saw blood smeared under Jake's nose, and fresh blood still leaking out slowly, Erika hated seeing this, it made her feel disgusted and scared, she prayed deep in her heart it wasn't as bad as it looked and sounded..

Jake noticed Erika's stunned stare, and quickly stood up preparing to leave and clean himself up, he immediately sat back down holding his head, Erika began getting frantic asking if he was okay over and over, but it sounded muffled to Jake.

As soon as Jake stood up, the ground under him became hazy, his eyes fuzzed and his head pounded, he felt like his legs were jelly trying to support his body, and if he tried standing there any longer he knew he would have fell...He did the only thing he could and got back to the bed, he wanted to calm Erika down but he couldn't speak just yet, words wouldn't seem to form, all his thoughts wouldn't finish, they all seemed to swim in his brain and get jumbled.

Jake began slightly panicking as well, with Erika's frantic speaking, and him barely able to move, he started to get flashbacks to passing out in the street before...What if it happened again? It took forever to wake up last time, what would happen this time? Would he be able to get up?

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