Chapter 74 Informing Unknown

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"Jake? Are you good bro?" Logan asked, after Logan had taken a break from holding Jake, he noticed the far away look in his brothers eyes, usually, regardless of how bad Jake was aching from the disease, he got up with a smile on his face, he didn't like showing any weakness and never didn't seem grateful for being alive in the first place...But something was off now.

"Jake?" Logan said his tone softer and more concerned, getting Jake to focus on him again, "I wanna go home" Jake said quietly, "The Doctors have to give you a check up first..." Logan told him watching Jake sigh a little, "What happened?" He tried again, Jake stilled his breath frowning, what he saw was in the bedroom still torturing his brain.

This girl he loved so much, that he thought he'd never be able to call his girlfriend in the first place, he finally had her, finally thought he'd found someone who cared for him and loved him for who he was, she was someone who saw him at his weakest and still came back... *Why did she do that if she didn't love me back?* Jake questioned, *Was it pity? Was that all it ever was?* He thought sadly, he felt pathetic for following her around all the time, calling her and texting constantly, opening himself up to her telling her his fears, his secrets... He told her he trusted her in person, told her he loved her looking right into her eyes and she still never told him the truth. Jake swallowed roughly cringing; thinking of the texts he ignored trying to believe in Erika, he even ignored her calling him another mans name in bed...He felt so foolish for it all, so let down so...heartbroken.

"Jake?...Are you crying bro?" Logan asked in shock watching his brothers eyes tearing up, Jake shook his head looking away before opening his arms towards his brother, Logan took the hint and hugged him, he held him in silence, although he was puzzled and wanted to push for answers, he stayed quiet trying to just show Jake he was there for him. Logan was still unsure if Jake was just still in a lot of pain, or if he was hurting from something else.

"Tell me whats up when your ready bro, I got you, whatever it is" Logan told him gently, Jake nodded, and soon pulled away from Logan when he heard the door open.

"Mr.Paul, your up" The Doctor said, "Jake! My Baby!" Pam exclaimed running to his bedside, Jake quickly wiped his eyes before being engulfed by Pam, Greg coming over as well rubbing Jakes head looking down at him, "As long as your all here, we can shed some light of what happened tonight" The Doctor said, pausing Pam from hugging and kissing her son, a serious tone washing over the room.

"You all know Mr.Paul's condition, cancer is nothing to play with, taking your medicine and taking care of your body is crucial. Cancer can spread and break down your innards destroying you from the inside out, sometimes you'll have to surgically remove parts of yourself just to get it out, sometimes its too late..." The Doctor explained, all the Paul's staring, listening attentively, while Logan's hand found its way to Jake's holding it, squeezing him for security, normally he'd chalk those actions off as "soft", but right then it honestly didn't matter to him.

"When we brought him in, it looked like we were losing him, for whatever reason his body had too much pressure on it. He was overexerting himself, his body is still weak and trying to repair itself, but straining that much caused the pain and bleeding, bleeding however made him even more weak causing him to be lethargic. When he was brought in we had to check his vitals and make sure it wasn't the disease directly taking over" The Doctor tried to explain,

"Will he be okay now?" Pam questioned, "We still need to check him out again, its hard to say right now, I recommend speaking with his doctor after this, let them prescribe anymore medicine he might need or surgery he'll need to have" The Doctor said, "We'll give you a few minutes before we give him his check up" They said before stepping out.

"Oh honey, how do you feel?" Pam asked hugging Jake again, "Yeah man, what got you so excited?" Greg asked talking a little softer to Jake then normal, "I feel, okay...And uh, I dont know what happened" Jake lied, "Wheres Erika? Did she see what happened?" Pam asked curiously,

confused as to why she wasn't the first one there, "Do you want to call her?" Greg asked, assuming him seeing her would make him feel better, Jake put his head down, he didn't know how to tell his parents what he saw, he knew they'd probably be upset with Erika, and drag the situation out, but he really didn't want to talk about her or to her at all right then, his heart couldn't take it...

Logan watched Jake's reactions to the questions, normally he would brighten up at the mention of Erika, but his eyes looked so...dead, now. Something was wrong, everything about the situation was wrong, from Jake being outside instead of in the apartment where Logan left him, to the way he was acting, it wasn't just the disease now...

A/N:Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this! I'll be posting again soon, if y'all wanna follow ME! Follow on Instagram @ bronzebabybird 

And follow more of my writing on here @Madambird

love ya!🐣

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