1: Heartless

344 16 105

Foreign language:

Ochi sto de Scarlet Austarch- No to the Scarlet Autocrat

Cysgod- Shadow

castrum- castle 

 lectus- bed 

stratiótes- soldiers 

musuko- son

Te iubesc- I love you 

omlouvám se-  I'm sorry 

De Scarlet Austarch lebt timi bhitra- The Scarlet Autocrat lives within you

Rahat!- Bullshit

Relinquo- Leave

Otrolig- Unbelievable

Farbrekher- Criminal

Hiberent- Stop

Otrod'ye- Brat






What were they? I will never know. They had forbidden me to feel any kind of sentiment for this will lead me to my self-destruction. Emotions were venomous to the heart and mind; I should never have them for they will lead me to an insurmountable pain that would taint the pureness instilled to me at birth.

I was the purest among my kind and it must stay that way. My mere purpose was to exist, nothing more and nothing less. Questioning such would only lead to my punishment bestowed by the law of my kind and the law of which I represent— the law of the Ochi sto de Scarlet Austarch. It was a law passed on by the Higher Order of Ancients who survived from the tyranny of The Scarlet Emperor— a ruler almost considered as the perfect sovereign but became a slave to his emotions when he fell in love with a Cysgod Knight.

I ran my gloved fingers against the wooden wall of the hallway as I sauntered towards the dining area. My fingers dipped into the crevices of the intricate swirls of the ivory wall as my feet took gentle steps on the ebony carpet. I made sure that my feet made no sound as I trudged because even the slightest and gentlest sound can be a source of entertainment.

My father and mother were already seated onto their places with my father sitting at the end of the overly lengthy stygian table and with my mother sitting perpendicular to him.

The servant pulled the chair for me at the far end of the table, opposite to my father, and I bowed before them before taking my seat.

"How was your day Lucian?" Father asked me sternly.

I kept my gaze lowered to the empty space on the table and kept my hearing alert for their inquiries.

"Good father," I replied impassively.

"Do you feel ill?" Mother asked me next.

The tone of their voices had no hint of compassion or affection of a parent which was only suited for this conversation and for my benefit.

"No, I feel nothing," I answered.

I always had and will always be empty.

More servants arrived in their black uniforms and placed a bowl filled with bread in front of me and a glass of water. They were careful not to touch me for doing such was punishable by the law.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ