46: My real name is

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What should I do? 

How can I heal him?

How can I help him?

How do I keep him alive?

I cupped Saint's cheeks and watched him take labored breaths that pressed heaviness against my chest. Soft wheezes sounded from his breathing and the sound of the river flowing somehow expressed the tender coiling of my heart. I swallowed the growing ache in my throat from not knowing how I can alleviate his pain.

"Saint..." I murmured. 

The only part of his body that was considered spared from the severe burns was the other half of his face. The rest of his body was already charred and was  beyond my knowledge of saving. 

Saint opened the only eye he had left and looked at me weakly. 

"I...I'm sorry," he croaked out.

"Lucian...many more of them..." Skwak informed me. "Skwak will hold them off. Lucian escape."

The ache in my throat swelled up even further and Skwak helped me carry Saint on my back. I looked at Skwak and held him in a firm gaze. 

"Be safe and come back to me," I told him.

Skwak nodded. "Skwak will come back. Skwak will follow wherever Lucian is. Skwak will protect Lucian."

"No, don't die on my sake. I don't deserve your sacrifice," I mildly reprimanded him. 

I turned around and gave Skwak one last glance. "I will be waiting for you."

I jumped across the river and secured Saint against me. I kept glancing back at Skwak as he watched us. With one last look, Skwak vanished and a loud explosion occurred. 

"Tha...thank you..." Saint coughed out. 

"I am amazed how he can still talk despite his serious burn injury..." the voice inside my head commented.

"He shouldn't even be able to speak at all..."  another one spoke. 

"One d-day...I will ca-carry you l-like this...one day...wherever you-you wa-want to go...I-I will carry you..." 

My eyes began to sheathe with a thin layer of something wet and I cleared my throat. "Yes, one day, so please, do not let go. Do not let go. Do not leave me," I pleaded him. 

I am tired of having people leave me. I am tired of having people turn their backs on me.

"Aishiteiru (I love you)" Lucius' voice slid inside the unstable commotion going on inside my head.

"M-My name...My re-real name...I ha-haven't told yo-you yet..." he stammered.

I swallowed the swelling in my throat and clenched my jaw tightly. I stood still and listened to him intently.

"What's your real name Saint?" I softly asked him. My voice sounded thick. It sounded like it was about to break down into shattering fragments but I kept it whole. 

"Saint?" I called out. Saint became heavier and my feet stumbled back.

"Nephew..."  the voice inside my head murmured sadly. 

"Do not ignore me. It is rude not to respond..." I muttered.

"He's gone nephew."

"He is not..." I resisted. 

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now