52: Family (?)

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Recently, I have observed that I was fainting a lot without my consent. My consciousness should be ashamed for leaving without notice. It was proving to be a hindrance. I was well prepared to offer my other leg to be snapped by Peach-san but my vigilance was wasted.

"Your highness..."

A faint female voice whispered close to my ear causing me to clamp the warmth left by her breath.

"Your highness..."

There was a short silence after that and a gush of whispers had risen in a wave. None of what they were saying was clear until one coherent in diction yet had a dense point surfaced above the ocean of confusing undertones.

Why must I deal with stupid every single day?

The voice belonged to the man who always referred to me as "nephew" in my mind. The other voices disappeared to give way for him.

"You will be the greatest sacrifice that the world will make and the worst loss that the world will have. Do not fret for we will be with you...we have always been ever since you were born," he spoke.

"Please stop speaking nonsense," I deadpanned. Even in my sleep, I was haunted by irrational people.

"You are life's greatest gift and death's greatest offering. You are the flower of death that will bloom life," he added.

"And you people are the flower of wisdom that utters complete folly. Thank you for your foresight," I replied.

"You will understand soon...You will discover what you really are..." he responded.

I was saved from any more meaningless talk by a gentle shake to my form. Familiar faces were staring from above. The hole made by the conjoining heads was then filled by more heads of children from the cave where Wye Fye had rested in complete quietude. May she rest in pa—peace.

"Are you okay Lucian?" Sevor asked and was meaning to cup my cheek but was slapped by Caleb who was lifting my upper body from the ground. There was a rope of tension tying us all together. Was Garmir still alive?

The werewolf was holding my body possessively and was not enjoying the cave people's presence.

"Of course he's okay, I'll break his other leg if he isn't," Slade grumbled which only aggravated Caleb even further.

The slits in his eyes sharpened and he released a growl at Slade and the others causing the children to scramble away in fear and the twins to take a defensive stance. The tension which I had awoken to became even thicker. Crowley and Ziru did not like Slade's way of speaking and stood in front to put a barrier between us.

"I will stay here and guard from behind," Kox spoke which snapped a vein on Crowley's forehead.

"Come here you little shit!"

The hanuman huffed and crossed his arms over his chest to confront the twins.

"Don't come any closer. We will fight for His Highness with our life," Crowley threatened.

"Why are you so mean to my onii-chan? He has been through a lot!"
Ziru protested and pouted.

"So he really is from ancient royalty. His crown is legitimate," Sevor commented and was deep in thought.

"I prefer not to acknowledge my past," I finally intervened. "Do not worry about Slade, he is only a mere idiot but he has a good heart," I told them.

Sevor placed a warning hand on his twin's chest because he was ready to lash out at the trigger of my words.

"We mean no harm to the Prince. We came out from our residence out of worry for his well-being and tracked his scent with the help of the werewolf children," Sevor explained.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя