60: Tale of Life and Death

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The huge crystal of ice that was carrying the body of the angel continued to plummet down from the heavens. Caleb took me from Peaches as the reaper was coerced to fulfill my request to save the winged-man.

He seemed like he preferred killing him instead of helping him.

"Are you okay?" Caleb murmured his question while he held me dearly.

I did not know what was holding my eyes from looking directly into his. I did not want to know how he would gaze back at me. What if his stare changed? What if instead of finding warmth in his amber wood eyes, I would find hate, disappointment, and rage?

I just wished to be spared from bearing witness of their profound disgust.

Caleb cradled me in his arms and pushed his nose against my cheek— nuzzling me like he always did. His usual caring tone, his clingy hands, and his sniffing nose reassured me that nothing had changed between us.

"I am okay. Nothing to worry about," I told him.

Caleb sighed and gently cupped my nape.

"You always worry me."

"There's still time to kill it..." Slade mumbled to Sevor.

"We are not killing anyone, Slade."

The younger twin pouted like a child and crossed his arms in front of him.

As the crystal drew closer, so was Slade's pocket-sized patience. The crystal bulked up as it descended. If it continued to augment, all of us will be crushed.


Peaches gave Slade a second of his blank look and Crowley, concluding that Peaches would let us all die so that he can add us to his collection, gathered the children, and looked for some place to hide.

Caleb pushed my body down and housed me in his embrace. A scream erupted from someone's throat and we found Frey, in his most disheveled appearance, shielding himself with Segreth's unconscious form.

Slade grabbed the reaper's cloak at the same time when the ice was finally meters closer to our heads. Peaches raised his arm and sprouted his index finger which tipped a part of the ice that stopped it from falling.

Everyone's gaze pinned at the unmoving iceberg before releasing a breath of relief.

The sound of a loud crack resonated in the area and Peaches tossed the iceberg at the polluted river before it collapsed into tiny perfectly sliced ice cubes.

"Great...so he'll just die now from drowning!" Caleb commented with much humor in his tone.

"I'll get him," Slade sighed.

The older twin leaped to the mound of cubes and dug the body of the angel. We watched the extraction process and saw him hoist up a bloodied angel by his armpits. Sevor leaped back to the dry land and gently laid out the unconscious man.

"What happened to him?" Slade asked. Crowley and the rest of the group gathered around us and Kox spoke out.

"He must have done something that would warrant him extreme punishment in their divine realm," he explained.

"Oh yeah? I was thinking of giving some divine punishment to some insubordinate kid too," Crowley gritted out, referring to the time when Kox did not lift a finger to help me against Segreth.

"I wasn't feeling well. I couldn't see and couldn't hear well," Kox explained monotonously.

Crowley's jaw dropped and was deemed too dumbfounded to speak.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now