14: First Disaster

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Uncontrollable sobs rocked Ziru who held me tightly in an awkward manner because I was taller than him. My lower back leaned against his shoulder with his arms wrapped around my waist. He can't stay long high up in the air and had to land back to the ground before leaping again.

Once we were up, there would be a boost of air that would get as farther away but even so, at this rate Garrison will still manage to catch up.

"Gomen...(Sorry)" he sniveled out. "I got you into this mess and we just met but if I don't do something then who will help my papa? My papa is all I have. I can't return to our village without him," he explained and wiped his tears vigorously.

I didn't mind getting taken away. This was truthfully a great experience for me. It was sweetness added to this non-productive day and it was the kind of spice I was searching for.


In our next few descents, Ziru collapsed to his knees. I took a stand and watched him curl his upper body forward and hit the ground with his fist. Droplets of tears dampened the part where they touch and Ziru tried to stand again only to have his legs tremble from overexertion of leaping up and down while carrying someone twice his size.

"Damn this...damn this!" he yelled. "I can't give up. Not now. Not ever!"

His resolve was perennial but his agony was piercing through me like a double-edged blade.

"Your papa...is he that of much value to you?" I asked before kneeling in front of him. Ziru stared up at me with overflowing tears that caused his eyes to sparkle.

"Yes I do but don't you have a papa too? Mine is a good man. He raised me and protected me and because of that, I want to save him too," Ziru replied.

I pursed my lips and remembered of what goodness otousan had that would necessitate me to have this much determination to rescue him like Ziru had with his papa. All of his good deeds however, were buried along with the death of my childhood.

Would I shed tears for him just as how Ziru was if he was taken away? What would I feel if his life was threatened and taken? He and okaasan placed me in desolation where I was taught of feeling nothing even for them. They desired it for me and feeling otherwise would only displease them.

Ziru must have wanted me to empathize with him; to place myself in his situation just as what aniki told me.

But I didn't need a father to be able to understand Ziru. Ziru's father was all he had just as how Lucius and Fenris were to me.

"My father...didn't love me just as my mother," I told Ziru. I raised my hand and Ziru followed it with his gaze until it landed on his head. "Therefore I know...I know how lonely you must be."

The boy's wrinkled face became even more crumpled and he burst in an even louder state of crying before diving into me for a hug. My arms didn't know how to function but as soon as I realized what I needed to do, I wrapped my arms around the little boy and carried him.

"I will help you so show me the way," I murmured before letting the winds twirl us up back into the skies.

I will just have to leave my scent with the winds so that Fenris can follow.

Perhaps Garrison will pity me and keep silent about this with my aniki but Fenris might become my whistle-blower. His intricate level of communication might sell me out therefore I have to watch out for him.

The village was closer than expected but I wouldn't consider it as a village now with the absence of life of its residents. The eerie silence and the burnt area made it dull and dead and not suitable to live in.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now