11: Flashbacks

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It had been almost a day since the incident and I hadn't seen him move from where he was. He hadn't eaten and hadn't spoken. I attempted to feed him myself but he wouldn't even open his mouth. This situation was making me extremely frustrated from worry.

I hadn't left his side and neither had Fenris. To be honest if this trauma that I was starting to develop due to the constant misfortunes of leaving him would leave me single for the rest of my life— I wouldn't care.

Iltut's fingers left markings on Lucian's neck— a sign that he had exerted intense force in strangling my brother. He had yet again added another marking on my brother's form. I had seen every scar on Lucian's body and memorized where they were placed. I refrained myself from asking about them because I was afraid of eliciting flashbacks that would harm my brother. There was no point in inquiring anyway—the scars already told the history.

Fenris was neglecting his own nourishment. He had no appetite and I could not blame him at all because I felt the same way. If not for Ikesha then both of us would have joined Lucian in his fasting.

"How can he recover when he sees the two of you joining him in his neglect? Do not let yourselves be devoured by the monsters that haunt him. The two of you need strength in order to provide him the support that he needs," Ikesha scolded.

I didn't know how much longer I can bear seeing him like this but forcing him to talk wouldn't do him any good and Ikesha was right; this was not the time to show weakness to a person needing strength.

I only hope that he won't reenact his flashbacks or else we will have no other choice but to deposit him into the treatment floor of the hideout.

A knock at the door snatched my attention from my brother who was currently still slumbering.

"It's me," Ikesha informed us.

"Come in," I permitted.

"I'd rather you come out Lucius. I have something to tell you," she responded.

I released a sigh and placed the book that I was staring at for the past few hours on the bed before standing up.

"Keep watch," I told my wolf associate.

"Woof," Fenris dutifully replied.

I met with a stern Ikesha outside the room and kept the door ajar for at least five inches so I can sneak glances.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Iltut still won't answer my inquiries. He continues to feign ignorance," she told me.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "We have no need for him. Have Aramastus finish it already. You know how much he hates leaving things undone."

He was the perfect assassin.

"I was hoping that you could interrogate him yourself. Wouldn't you want to know how a supposed dead man just suddenly shows up in a bloody-coating with broken bones?"

My frown worsened and every muscle in my body tensed. "If you send me there I'd torture him rather than interrogate him," I seethed.

There was nothing else that I would want to know from him. He was a scheming hound. I felt nothing but betrayal for him and our parents.

"Lucius, I know it's hard for you to control yourself but I was told by Aramastus that he slipped the coin he found in Iltut's grave into the Wicket and I was thinking that—"

"He...What?" I snapped. "Monte de merda...(Piece of shit)."

I will gut that idiot alive. I told him to keep the coin safe and not to do anything rash with it. We still had no idea of the wicket's mechanism and he acted on his own and got my brother involved in his idiocy.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt