57: I am no longer your Prince

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"I am your mate after all."


What was the significance of mate to these people? I often hear this term from Caleb and the twins but I never fully understood it. The more I hear this term from them the more I wonder if I was just that to them.

My bangs swooshed to the side when an object came spiraling forward towards the sauntering Sevor, who instantaneously sensed that he was in harm's way. He twirled around and urgently dove to the ground to avoid dying at a young age.

Sevor's eyes pinned at the reaper who was a foot away from me and the reaper, in response to the blame, pointed at me with sheer innocence glimmering in his deadly, piercing eyes.

"You blame Lucian for that?" Sevor lowly growled.

I raised my hand. "Do not place the blame on him, I tripped him," I defended.

"And my hand slipped," the reaper added.

"Oh how believable," the uncle's voice drearily applauded.

Sevor stood and breathed out to calm his nerves. "I'll prepare your bath, Lucian. You must want one," he kindly offered before leaving.

If that was Slade, he will not let this slip easily without successfully tearing something apart. No forgiveness will be given even if apologies were already said—he will just tear you like a maniac, salt your open flesh, and marinate you for the evening.

The night proceeded with the crickets softly serenading the children to a night of undisturbed sleep. Fenris was in front of the tent where we held Prince Frey captive. The werewolf must have been exhausted from worry as he fell asleep with an unresolved grudge in his heart.

He wanted to end the Prince with his own hands and the frustration must have chipped him away into exhaustion. The reaper was nowhere in sight and must have wandered off but he couldn't have gone too far. 

Slade had fallen into a deep slumber underneath an Elm tree, with his back leaning against the thick trunk. His face was unusually calm and wrinkle-free that would make anyone believe that he would comfort you at your lowest, not knowing that he was the cause of your demise.

My body relished the feeling of the warm water that it was submerged into and the gentle hands that glided in a slippery manner against my skin. I felt Sevor trace random lines on my back while washing me so tenderly. I closed my eyes to the ticklish feeling and relaxed to his touch.

"These scars..." he commented. "Why do you have them?" he asked me.

The volume of his voice got louder with a noticeable tremble at the end.

"It is nothing for you to worry about. It happened a long time ago and the one who did it suffered a great deal of torment in return," I told him.

Lucius wasted no time avenging me and if I had not stopped him, Iltut could have been alive in screaming flesh up until this day.

"But you're a Prince aren't you? Should you not be protected?" he asked me.

I pulled my legs to my chest causing water to spill outside of the wooden tub.

"I learned that in life, the people who are supposed to protect you end up hurting you the most," I murmured and clenched my arm tightly as I remembered my parents.

"They make you think that you are safe. They make you believe that you are in good hands. They make you give your entire trust. They make you hand over your identity, your dignity, and your innocence in the name of goodwill and good conscience. In the end...in the end...you are left broken and robbed, with no more face to offer to the world and no more dignity to prove your worth."

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now