47: Sin Klepton

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Have you ever heard of the story Sin Klepton?

It was a famous tale of a doll 19 years ago.

It was a chronicle about me that was told to hundreds of kids every night to make them squirm under their sheaths and shut their eyes in fear of having Sin get them.

It was the only thing I knew about me ever since I regained consciousness. I had no recollection of my past, and what I only had was the tale fabricated for me to believe that my previous life was what made this the present.

When I woke up I was staring at this sinister toy at the mirror.

And it turned out that the creepy ass doll was me.

I was a toy but no child desired to play with me.

I had a vermillion colored fur. My face was scarlet red while the clothing I was put in was stygian black. The clothing had two horns and my harmless tiny claws emerged from the long sleeves. I had a tail that had four pointed edges with the first and last tine bent into an elegant curve. My feet were red hoofs and my unaligned and jarred teeth grew out from my sewn lips that were curved into a grin. There was a star sloppily sewn on my forehead and it left me thinking:

"Why the fuck do I look like this?"

I was in a room that seemed like a tent that was nearing its collapse. There were holes in the tent that let the rays of sunlight shamelessly pass through. There was an old and filthy single sized bed inside with other uncanny looking dolls sitting around me on this table with the mirror. Other toys were either strung or boxed. Some toys were missing a leg, a head, an eye, and an arm while the others had an excess evolution of it.

A caped individual entered in a flash and a wrinkled old hand lashed out and grabbed my head in a tight squeeze. His rickety laugh accompanied with a dying cough emanated while he maintained a curved posture while raising me above him.

"Grim reaper, grim reaper, grim reaper!" he screamed ecstatically. "You're finally a part of my collection. I can truthfully die in peace now...Hehehe..."

"That's great. So when will we hold a funeral?" I asked him through my mind.

The old man sauntered while leaving a trail of mud and dirt as he walked. He must have escaped death so many times but death managed to kill a part of him every time.

The doddering creep sat on his wobbly chair and slammed a book on the table. There was an aquarium of octopuses that was on the insect infested desk and he submerged his hand to haul one to its doom. He squeezed cephalopod ink to his jar and tossed the octopus aside as it served its one-time purpose. He reached out in front of him and plucked a feather from the starved and unmoving bird inside its cage. It let out a weak and exhausted complaint but it looked like it was ready to die at any time and was more than willing to do so.

The old man brought out his pale tongue and licked the tip of the feather before dipping it into the jar of ink. He began to write on the blank pages and as he wrote, he spoke his words out loud.

"In days of yore, a God had created His most magnificent servant. He was neither good nor evil. He was neither light nor dark. He was neither demon nor angel. His real name was a curse to whoever would mention it. His power was unrivaled. His mercy was nonexistent. His loyalty was perpetual. He wore the cloak of darkness yet performed the acts of good in the name of His Lord.

With his scythe he took the lives of those opposing. With his scythe he finished the lives of those who his father deemed ending. He was a tamed animal under his Lord's word yet becomes a wild beast with one command from the heavens.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now