43: It's Just You and Me

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I  sauntered beside Adoff-san while my eyes wandered through the forest that was covered in a thick blanket of darkness. The wails of the forest-dwellers were made much gentler and more pleasant to hear with the distance between us. We were going to hunt for some antlers but we had yet to come across one.

I shouldn't have come. There was still a possibility that Buck could be attacked. The elder of the village, who was Buck's great grandfather, recently announced stricter security measures, because of the frequency of assassination attempts to his great grandson. The village was more alert now but I doubt some of the warriors patrolling the village.

I know that the ones who want to kill Buck lived amongst us. If the cast-off tribesmen managed to get in without killing anyone, that meant that someone was willingly letting them in.

The village elder and the village alpha weren't in good terms but both of them loved Buck. I only talked to the elder once but Buck would usually stick to him like a slug whenever Atto-san would come out from his detached house that no other villager would visit. Despite his cold demeanor, he was very influential because of being the previous alpha. The village was divided between him and Amoux-san.

"What do you think about the killer in the village? I'm sure it's scary for a child like you," Adoff-san told me with a smile.

"Yes, it's bothersome how many killers can get past through the village's defenses and attack the grandson of the Alpha."

I can't tell him that I suspect someone from the village because Adoff-san might think that I was ungrateful for their hospitality.

He laughed. "I'm talking about the killer who kills those killers by puncturing through their hearts. It's strange how Buck suddenly got a new guardian when his last one was killed protecting him. The elder must have appointed a new guardian without telling anyone," he explained.

"It's not strange. He's the alpha's grandchild, he should be protected," I told him.

Adoff-san stopped walking and I stood a step behind him. There was an eerie feeling as our conversation progressed.

"You don't understand; Alpha Amoux doesn't want anything to do with Buck after his daughter was killed by the villagers wanting revenge for their children. There would be no order in that village until that child is dead..." his last words made the tone of his voice colder and as if on cue, red pierced eyes surrounded me accompanied by bloodthirsty growls.

My heart raced as it felt like it fell to my stomach from sheer disappointment. Amoux hated Buck? That can't be true. I saw how Amoux treated him. He can never hurt Buck. I never saw him look at Buck the wrong way before.

Adoff turned around with a mask of fury on his expression. The werewolves hiding in the shadows came out with an equally distorted sense of justice.

"You're lying. Amoux-san loves Buck."

Adoff ignored my reasoning and proceeded to interrogate me.

"You're the closest to Buck and we've seen you accompany Elder Atto in his morning walks...so who is it? Who is protecting that child?!"

"Why are you so angry at him? What did he do?!" I questioned.

The werewolves got closer and my body grew cold once Adoff grabbed me and agitated me for answers. My mind kept on focusing on the fact that this was all orchestrated by his oma. Buck trusted him. I trusted him.

Adults were really just there to hurt us.

When I grow up...will I turn like them too?

"Don't hurt him..."I whispered. Adoff paused for a moment with his sharp teeth clenched tightly together.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant