42: You are what I need

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"Hi, my name is Buck!"

I blinked in mild awe at the child squatting in front of me. It was new to me to find a child at my age not struggling to escape the fate of being the next meal of Ta.

Seeing him being so carefree and friendly and looking at me with so much hope in his eyes were.... refreshing and somehow reassuring. If he wasn't torn to strips of flesh yet then it only meant that Ta was still dead.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Go away," I muttered.

"That's a weird name. Do you have a better one?" He persisted.

Can I bite his head?

"Piss off."

I remained hidden behind the plants and stared vacuously at the child.

All my life all the children I knew were long dead and digested. Until now I see his kind as the consumable one and he will pass just like the others.

"That doesn't seem any better...can I just call you Boo? Because to others you might seem scary but to me you're the cute kind of scary!"

I can now deeply understand why Ta preferred children. They were annoying and obnoxious and they blabber nonsense.

There was a tattoo on the left part of Buck's chest that had a creature with a crescent moon as its crown. It was similar to a wolf. I was able to learn new animals and monsters while traveling with Lucius and Aramastus. Most animals were harmless but the monsters would pursue you even without being provoked.

The world wasn't just about Ta and his ravenous appetite— it was about a bigger world than our cave with more predators and a bigger appetite.

"Leave me alone."

Unlike the other children I've seen; Buck wasn't skinny or feeble looking. I would guess that he was the type that Ta would keep alive for a longer duration of time because he would fight back and maybe, he'd be one of those that I wouldn't watch to be killed in such an undignified way.

When Buck realized that he wasn't going to get anything from me, he withdrew from the bushes and transformed into a little four-legged wolf with silky purple fur. He dove inside the bush I was staying in, causing me to fall back to my butt and sparking a heated annoyance inside my chest.

Before I could smack him for invading my personal space, the tiny monster scampered out and scared a flock of birds that were pecking on the ground where blue berries were scattered on. He was able to snap one bird inside his jaw before it could escape with the rest of its flock. The injured bird twitched its remaining life away and Buck ended its life by gnawing it.

He turned to me and cautiously approached me with tamed eyes. He placed his fresh hunt on the ground where I could reach and he waited patiently for me to accept his gift. His tail wagged behind him and I couldn't help but have a growing sense of paranoia despite the tingling sensation to be closer to him.

I still didn't know why he came out of the village and knew where I was. Did the adults I were travelling with told him about me?

Buck nudged the dead bird with his nose, urging me to take it. He stepped backwards and waited eagerly. I wasn't planning to take his offer until I heard a saddened whine from him that seemed to affect me more than I should.

I snatched the corpse from the ground and Buck's mood lightened. His tail wagged even more when he saw me eating the entire thing and only spitting out the feathers.

He transformed back into his other form and watched me eat.

"Do you like me back now?" He asked.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now