38: Sheperds

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"We're almost there," Saint told me.

We stopped for a moment and the trees dropped Saint's tormenter in front of us. I thought he was still unconscious but it would seem that he was awake for some time now and was too frightened to speak rendering him the skill: mute until further notice. 

"You will not speak of this occurrence to your elders. You will stay speechless until I restore the required nutrients that Saint needs in his depraved form," I deadpanned.

The teenager scrambled back and managed to muster up the courage to talk back.

"Th-the others have already notified the Chief Sheperd. You and Saint will not escape their prepared punishment!"

I felt Saint tense from his pathetic threat and I glanced at his face to see a strong-willed man determined to accept his faith. He peeled himself off of me and bowed.

"Thank you for saving me. Please leave. I do not want to involve you into my curse."

I tilted my head at him and then narrowed my gaze at the stupid idiot on the ground with a confident grin on his lips.

"Are you sure that these others arrived smoothly as you predicted?" I asked him causing him to lose color.

"Wh-what did you do? You think you'll be forgiven for assaulting the weak?!"

Why was he accusing me of his own deeds?

"I'm not asking for forgiveness and if I do, please know that I only ask out of sarcasm."

I knelt in front of the teenager and poked his forehead causing him to fall unconscious. Tree roots crawled over his body and dragged him into a part of the forest that even I had no knowledge of.

If there was one thing I learned useful from my older brother that would be: "Idiots are the most dangerous enemies you can ever have. Do not underestimate them. Acknowledge their idiocy but do not let them roam freely."

"I don't remember Lucius teach—"

"Silence voices in my head."

"Was Father perhaps speaking to you?" Saint asked.

I nodded my head and decided to play along. "You can say that."

His red eyes widened in astonishment. "Wh-what did he say?"

He had such strength in his fragility that I can't help but commend him for it.

"He told me to protect you at all cost."

If I can lie a bit to gain approval for my actions, I'd use the authority that his Father had over him to be by his side for just a little while.

Saint's cheeks reddened. "He said that? But why would He burden you with...me?"

I left that question unanswered and kept silent. I should not say too much things or else he might notice that I was lying to him.

We proceeded and entered a village containing ivory tinted tents. Torches were lit and we could hear loud chants coming from the center of the village.

"The villagers are kind and welcoming towards visitors. Go ahead and ask for assistance," Saint told me with a reassuring smile.

"Are you not going to ask them to tend to your wounds?"

Saint waved his head with a sad smile. "The villagers won't dare touch me. They are afraid."

Must I threaten them again? What kind of threats must I generate this time? I was not a person of barbarity but I will try to be polite once I start warning them about being stabbed into veganism.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now