19: Submerging

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Today we went to visit noona to ask her about how we can find the moon's grace. My wolf was giddy about searching for the person who the Goddess paired up with us and I on the other hand did this entirely to support him.

Truthfully, I wasn't interested in finding our match. I wasn't even thrilled in the idea of forming a bond with someone because I wanted to focus on reestablishing ourselves in the pack and spending my time with my family. But I know how important this was to Fenris and if I can find another person who would love my wolf as much as I love him, then I see no problem with at least putting an effort.

"You're interested in the moon's grace? I did not expect that from you," noona chuckled and placed a steaming hot cocoa in front of me. "Then again, you and your wolf are an unusual bunch."

"Fenris is very keen to search for him or her. I'm not interested in anyone from the pack and I doubt I will be so I'll invest my time searching for that person with my wolf," I responded to noona.

Searching for the moon's grace was considered righteous in werewolf tradition but werewolves were really blessed with the patience to do so.

Noona nodded and sipped her tea. With how werewolves still maintain their youthful appearance no one outside of the pack can guess noona's age.

"I understand that very much but I am warning you now Caleb; once you and moon's grace cross roads, you will never be able to find a replacement if you lose that person. If that person dies you die. Moon's grace has the capability to bring you the greatest happiness and at the same time the worst of sufferings," she warned.

"Fenris don't care! Fenris wants moon's grace!" my wolf cheered.

My wolf was imprudent when it came to this.

"What if I die? Will that person die too?" I asked her. It can't be one-sided death can it? It wasn't fair that we get to die while that person can bond with someone else after our death.

Okay that was a selfish thought.

"If your moon's grace is another werewolf then yes," noona answered.

"Are you sure about this Breux? There is no backing out once we seal the deal," I told my wolf.

"Oh please droog! Fenris wants moon's grace very much so!"

I really had no say to this from the start.

"There is another thing you must know," noona said. "Not all werewolves are given with moon's grace."

What a relief.

Oh wait a minute.

I was pleased to hear that there was a chance that we no longer have to spend effort and time in soul searching but then I realized that if this Lucichan did not exist, Fenris will be inconsolable.

"Then how do we know if that person is out there?" I asked.

We need to at least try. If Lucichan did not exist then Fenris and I will just have to focus on the pack. It would take some time for Fenris to recover but I doubt he'll sulk forever.

"If you truly wish to know then there is this method done by those who seek their true mate..."




"Ouch!" I yelped when I hit my thumb with the hammer.

"Droog I thought we're building a wooden bathtub?" Fenris asked.

I sighed. "We are...what do you think it looks like?" Building was another thing I wasn't blessed with so it was no surprise that the result would look terrible.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now