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"This is stupid, return me this instant. You are nothing but a criminal. You have defiled my existence. You are—"

"Yes I have disobeyed the law; I stole your ass from its miserable state and it's obvious that you still want to sunbathe in your misery. Look otouto, you have been complaining for awhile now and have you not realized that your complaints have gotten you nowhere? Better have a new plan of action," he snorted at me.

We were still up in the skies with no signs of rescue sent by the royal family. Their incompetence to keep me safe was very well put out in display for everyone to pass judgment on. If they were not to be replaced by a better ruling their mediocre management shall be the downfall of our race.

How can they let this grot  enter  the castle?

If they only guarded me better then this wouldn't have happened to me and now I have to pay the price for their ineptitude.

Something heavy hanged inside my chest as my eyes latched on to everything they saw. The heaviness in my chest was causing me to shift on my place every now and then as this pressure kept my heart beating fast. I continued to look back to see if anyone was chasing us however, in every attempt to peek, my rapitore's (kidnapper's) face was there to block me with a smile and he would ask an amused "Yes?" at me.

If I was further exposed to this kind of environment the Higher Order would put me under the same process of training again.

Those things will happen to me again...

They will happen again and again until I finally reach the standard purity that every ancient must attain.

The world outside of the Great Tree of Genshi was brighter and far wider that everywhere you look there was land which extended to no bounds. The air was less thick and much lighter to breathe compared to the castle but despite the endless space to venture into, I couldn't see anything or anyone else moving.

In the midst of the vast greens of soil with areas tinted with orange and yellow there were also huge areas  which looked crippled and withered from below. As we flew through the skies there were visible lands floating with water pouring down from some of them creating a pool of water underneath.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him before shutting my eyes from further receiving anymore scenery.

"I will take you to a village that I have helped a year ago. I need to see how they are doing," he replied.

"It doesn't have anything to do with me. Take me back," I deadpanned.

"It does have something to do with you. A catastrophe is a dead ancient. It lives to cause destruction to others and without the presence of ancients for the last twenty years; the world has been in a horrifying age."

I scowled. "Say what you want but you cannot extract a single drop of sympathy from me."

Lucius let out a 'tsk' as a reply as if he was mocking me and the law that I was abiding before he arrived. Once Segreth awakens he will do everything he can to retrieve me and this man will rot behind the bars of what he deserved.

The kidnapper ordered Argo to descend and the pegacorn did what it was told in the most heedless way that I had to hold a gasp from the sudden drop.

We now stood in front of a community with mini huts that did not even reach my shoulders. The trees were bent into a dying position with their branches reaching up in desolation. An awful scent of rot lingered and Lucius gritted his teeth in anger. 

"It looks like one of them passed by just recently..."  Lucius gave me a stern expression before executing an order.

"Remove your gloves."

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now