21: The lone wolf

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I felt a deep and soppy tie with the scent that I had never encountered in my years of living. My mind and heart floated in a lake of serenity and solace and I was put to ease. I never wanted to wake up from this link that connected us to him even when I knew that his pain will be ours to carry and his words will be in our tongue to speak.

Tell me...how do you want me to embrace you?

Tell me how do you want me to console you?

How much pain do you carry and how much of it can you give to me?


I knew that we just started to walk out from the marsh of our own weakness but he was now one of the reasons why we would never sink back to those depths again.

We will strive to be stronger and to better ourselves from now on because he was out there battling something that we needed to be more superior to.

"Caleb, the whole pack is waiting for you outside," papa said as he gently shook me.

My eyes opened and I noticed that my younger siblings were snuggled against me while they slept peacefully. Papa was smiling down on us and I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. My raspy voice caused my siblings to shift from their sleep.

"Come out and see for yourself," papa told me with a smile before heading out.

"Droog, are we in some sort of trouble again?" Fenris asked.

"I don't know Breux, we'll see," I sighed.

The earlier events were coming back to me now even though they were still vague and lacking pieces. I didn't know what had occurred after I released that huge explosion and if I took down every single rogue with it.

I got off the bed and woke my siblings up in the process. Conall wasn't pleased from the disruption of his sleep and followed me out with a scorned face while Claude was just about in a good mood in most occasions.

"What are those wussies waiting out for? Can't they respect someone resting?" Conall grumbled.

Once I got out of our house expecting the worst of predicaments, the Goddess decided to turn the wheels into a direction that I supposed was... somewhere good?

The pack members sank to their knees in submission and bowed their heads in respect. The overwhelming waves of people kneeling taken me aback and even Fenris didn't know how to respond.

"Droog I think we should kneel down too or else we'll get in trouble!"

"You think so?" I asked.

Who were we kneeling down to exactly anyway?

They couldn't possibly be bowing down to us could they?

Maybe I was just assuming things?

I turned my head to see if they were stooping to someone else but no one was there but our empty doorway. My family and noona were standing beside my frozen form and Conall and Claude were being excited as they snorted and laughed.

"They're bowing to you Caleb," papa confirmed it.

"Pack must have sniffed too much of noona's weird herbs..." Fenris spoke.

I had to agree with Fenris on this one; were these people being serious?

Wulfurin became the spokesperson of the kneeling bodies and I listened to their side of sudden submission.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now