10: Starting from scratch

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Laeroth's mutated dragon hand strike the table before him in an intense force which was enough to break the table in half and cause splinters to fly in different directions.

This wasn't the first time he snapped. The times he lost his control cannot be counted in one's fingers anymore and the numbers of furniture we lost due to his temper was in equal numbers.

I did understand his indignation this time. One of the people who possessed the Tokens of Blessing was Ikesha and the only way to obtain this token was to kill the bearer. That meant that sooner or later we will have to take her life and Ikesha had agreed due to her sense of responsibility.

"We just replaced that table..." I murmured and set down my empty cup of tea on the little plate on my lap. Garrison won't be happy once he sees his new masterpiece in smithereens.

The Tokens of Blessing originally belonged to the Higher Order given by the grail to hail them as people who still had the rights to lead, to take control, and to make decisions for the Kingdom in the absence or the incapability of the King. These tokens also held astounding and insurmountable power that distinguished them from other ancients. Because of the war the ancients had lost eight tokens and the tokens as of current were in the possession of various people scattered all over the world.

These people (in hopes that these tokens were something of valuable to us) kept them as a means of bargaining tools to once again take advantage of our race. King Genshi wasn't going to sacrifice his men again for tokens that won't be of much use to other empires anyway. They were valuable to us, yes, but so was our Kingdom and the late King made a choice.

"C'est des Conneries... (This is bullshit)" he seethed and shut his eyes tightly.

He took heavy breaths to calm him and the wrinkles on his face slowly faded away.

"I am begging you Lucius, let us stick to the original plan," he pleaded in a desperate tone.

"We have talked about this. With this new plan we can only take twenty more lives and plus a few if they get in the way but with the old plan?" I scoffed right before continuing. "You are risking thousands. You are once again proposing a war. The lives of innocents are at stake here."

The man narrowed his gaze at me and plopped down on the chair behind him. "When has it never involved the innocent? You are underestimating the Higher Order. Do you really think that the Scums can take them on in a battle? It took thousands of soldiers just to kill eight. With our forces alone we will surely be wiped out. We are betting everything on a fragmentary and half-done plan."

Laeroth didn't even give me a chance to reply back when he reiterated our original strategy.

"We start with the Vosredal Empire; we take in the villages under their ruling and make our way up to conquer the capital."

"This is why this plan will fail. War takes up time, food sources, and more lives. We are never meant for a long duration of battle because once we hit our exhaustion stage we're done for. You underestimate the Vosredal Empire. They made a pact with the Pracia Empire and the Cheborg Empire. Even if we do conquer the Vosredal Empire the other two Empires won't sit around and let us recharge," I explained it to him again.

I didn't know if I should blame the other blood mixed in inside of him but this man's head was as thick as his scales. No matter how many times I explain it to him he can never get it. We did try reaching out to the Republic of Xoba under the hanuman's rule however; they did not want to entertain anyone outside of the borders especially from creatures who they warred with before.

We were ancients that could be useful for their food source but they also had ancients residing behind their walls who were mated with some of them. Food wasn't much of a crisis and they treated their sources magnificently. They only had nuisances whenever catastrophes happened to pass by and destroy their walls and crops and take a lot of lives.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now