26: Unknown Wounds

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I will never understand him and I refuse to dwell on it any longer. It was foolish of me to have placed myself in such a vulnerable position of collapse. It was foolish of me to even try.

In the end, no matter how much I improve myself, he will always leave me.

"Can we finally proceed to the Tourmaline Mountain?" Kox asked.

Crowley comically pointed at the once missing child and immediately rushed to crush him against his side.

"Where the heck have you been you disabled kid?!"

"I had no purpose to be in such a dangerous spot and Tomos had told me to wait here until you arrive."

Crowley released Kox from his grasp and glared at him. "You're going to reason out that damned book again. I swear I'm going to-"

Before Crowley could even place a finger on the turning pages, lightning shot out from the skies and electrocuted him, leaving the hanuman on the overly cooked side.

"I knew you were going to do that and I knew that it would have been too late before I could warn you. Tomos knows all. Praise Tomos," Kox deadpanned before floating ahead of us.

Ziru picked up a twig lying on the ground and knelt beside the unconscious Crowley before poking him with it.

"Is he still alive?" Caleb asked.

"I think so," Ziru responded.

"Merde (shit)," Caleb sighed. "And here I thought I can save myself from dragging a banana overfed beast."

The werewolf gently took my hand and walked forward before bending down and lifting Crowley's ankle.

"Let's hurry before they catch up to us," Caleb said.

We had begun a long walk and I had noticed the frequent glances that Caleb was giving me during our journey. He wanted to say something but was opting to hold it back and stay quiet. Once Crowley regained consciousness, our pace became much faster but the air was filled with much more racket. Fireflies lit our way and Kox's overly glowing book was providing much use for us.

"Lucian..." the werewolf hesitantly trailed before paling once his eyes lifted above my head.

"You may speak furry animal," I permitted him and started to feel droplets of water coming from above me.

"I know that you're upset about what happened but...you aren't alone. We're still here for you," he tried to comfort.

"I do not feel emotions such as upset. Would please care to demonstrate?" I asked him.

What gave him an idea that I was manifesting signs of sulking? Those kinds of feelings were irrelevant and a waste of a good carrot.

The droplets became frequent and became even much bigger. But it would seem that I was the only person experiencing it. I looked up and found a small puff of dark cloud above my head that was relinquishing the cool droplets of water.

When did you get there?

I cleared my throat and removed my hand from his grasp.

"Let us proceed," I deadpanned.

"He's definitelty sulking..." I heard Crowley, Ziru, and Kox murmurin unison.

Only fools can assume such a thing from me.

Despite insisting that everything was in order even in my saturated state, Caleb was determined to change what he was seeing.

I did not get why he was trying so hard.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now