33: Breaking the delusion

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"Tell me what do you want from that castle?" I asked her again.

It was a question that was simple to answer if you were honest, but Wye Fye's tongue was darker than a jerking cow's manure. Her stench was far greater and mightier than someone's morning breath. She was a marvelous existence favored by no one. She was an abstract art that no one would ever understand for her existence was beyond anyone's comprehension.

If you ever meet her as a stranger, the first question that would pass your mind would be:  "Why?" The astonishment would leave you speechless. It would leave you shaken to your very core. 

"Stop with the questions and walk!" she barked.

"You do know that if I die, I become one of them don't you?"

Wye Fye released a scoff before leering at me. "Oh I won't kill you yet sweetie. I have better plans in stored for you. But don't worry, we'll get there. Once I end your life Sevor won't have a reason to leave me."

Can you tell me an even greater woman existing in the same timeline as her? She was on her own league. Lettice cannot even compare. 

"You don't know that. The world provides us many reasons. Maybe one day, Sevor will trip on a rock, hit his head on a bigger rock and fall on the biggest rock in the area."

"I'll severe your tongue if you don't shut up," She warned and yanked me up on my feet.

How rude of her. My tongue had a sacred duty to smear her name with much glorious slanders. If my tongue cannot fulfill such duties, it had no purpose to be attached to me.

"Ryota take us to that castle and the rest of you brats; don't even think of waking up the twins! If they find out about this, I will personally kick you out of our family. Wakarimasu ka? (Do you understand?)"

When no one replied to her demand, Wye Fye repeated her question. "Do you understand?!"

"Please answer her; everyone needs moral support. Besides, desperate people like her would create even messier situations. Let us be the good people and swallow our pride for her head to grow even further," I deadpanned.

"Ye-yes," The crowd of young ones answered hesitantly.

Ryota transformed into a green mossy dragon that was smaller compared to Sevor and Slade. Wye Fye pushed me forward, making me step on my injured ankle and causing me to lose balance.

Buck was biting his bottom lip, trying as hard as he can not to cry. I nodded at him to assure him that I will be alright and he looked away bearing sadness and guilt.

I climbed up on the dragon's back and Wye Fye followed with her bow and arrows intact. Ryota took a step back and then spread his wings out before flapping them down and hurling us up above the ground. Wye Fye cussed under her breath as we proceeded towards the castle. It wasn't something that I found surprising about her and it was actually predictable when she pushed me off.

"Oh no!" Wye Fye faked concern and panic. She was reaching down but she never did ask Ryota to fetch me from falling into my death.

"Brother!" the fairy children called out as I saw them rapidly soaring to my rescue.

They worked together to keep my body from hitting the ground and I was gently placed on the floor. Wye Fye leaped down from Ryota's back once they returned to ground level, and crossed her hands over her chest as she looked at the enraged Sevor with unsophisticated innocence.

"What where you doing? Why did you push him Wye Fye?" Sevor questioned in disbelief.

"I'm sorry my love. It was just that Lucian and I were going to the castle. He agreed to come with me but then he changed his mind and suddenly threatened me. I was so scared! I didn't know what to do! Please forgive me!" she sweetly begged.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora