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"Kill it! Kill the werewolf!"

My eyes widened from their sockets from hearing the uproar outside concerning a werewolf that entered in this death trap. Palpitations began to pound in my chest and I immediately vamoosed from the lectus towards the door only to be grabbed by aniki in his steel grip.

My mind clouded into a mist of perplexity and my restlessness only grew by the second as the mayhem built up. There was a high chance that the werewolf they speak of was Fenris and if it was him; there was no time to idle by. They will hurt him!

Lucius planted me away from the door and blocked my path. He slipped on his shirt and then pointed at me in a chiding manner to keep me in place.

"Stay there," he rebuked. "I mean it Lucian."

"Fenris is in trouble; they're going to hurt him," I spoke out in monotone protest and attempted to sidestep to the door but was held firmly by the shoulders.

"It's dangerous so let me handle it. We don't even know if that's Fenris or not," he reasoned out.

Vines grew out from the floor which latched around my wrists and ankles and I narrowed my gaze at Lucius.

"Be calm otouto and do not make any noise," he warned sternly.

I was not in any way being scandalous. He was the one who taught me to be compassionate and now he was stopping me from applying what I had learned from him.

Lucius slammed the door shut and I released a huff from this unnerving feeling within me. I must know what was happening out there. Fenris did not show up yesterday and for a werewolf to charge ahead into a small nest of vampires alone, it only raised my fidgety state.

I jerked the tough vines tied around my wrists and attempted to twist my ankles in place. The vines were very sturdy and it absolutely limited the range of movements from my limbs.

My struggle fell short when I remembered what my mentor used to say to me:

The only race you should worry about is your own. All other races are enemies Lucian. They are a threat to your existence.

My mentor was nothing but an ignorant fool and I was more of a fool for being fooled by him for eighteen blue moons.

I still carried his words clearly in my mind but those were no longer my principles anymore.

Why must we create enemies base on the race they were born with? Why must we hate on things that did no harm to us? Why must we speak lowly of others just to push our standing above them? We had no rights to speak highly of ourselves if our hearts were as shallow as a puddle of muddy water.

Fenris and his cousin belonged to the same race yet Fenris did not even give his second thoughts of sparing his cousin. Being a part of a Kingdom and high-class ethnicity will not give anyone a permanent solitude from the destructive forces outside.

If a person did survive the external war, he will then face the war confided within the race he belonged to. In such war he shall deal with those who shared the same blood as him. He shall have to distinguish friend from foe and betrayal shall gash him from behind.

There was no point in keeping me locked inside that castle. The more I thought of the freedom I could have had and the person I could have been, my chest became heavier and the sting became sharper.

Anyone could have been a threat to me. No race was safe. Anyone can take my life in an instant. Anyone can make sufferings come true. Misfortune shall not avoid me just because I was an ancient. Bad people came from different breeds and if I chose an ally base on ethnicity I shall perish from the blood oozing from my back.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now