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As expected, serendipity was within my grasp. Luck decided to pay me a visit once more just when I thought that this situation can get even worse.

"Your Highness I advise you to drop Prince Lucian's belongings to the ground for your safety and for the prevention of any spark of unnecessary squabble," Segreth spoke from the entryway of my chamber.

Lucius's head snapped to the doorway and glared at the armor-clad male with lilac colored hair which was tied neatly into a tight coil. His armor was purely ink black with the shoulder pads curved upwards. A black cape pooled down behind him and a tattoo of a purple circle and letterings scribbled inside of it rested on his forehead indicating his status as one of the men in the Higher Order.

In the middle of the circle his number was engraved as thirteen. He along with the rest of the Order can openly oppose the King as they were of almost of equal power.

The one that possessed supreme authority over decisions was the Cauldron of Spirits. This cauldron had been used ever since King Genshi's rule one-hundred and fifty years ago and was said to contain the spirits which aided the Ancients ever since our creation.

Aside from my father, the Cauldron of Spirits acknowledged the Higher Order which was the reason why they were placed in an almost equal status with the King. There can only be one ruler and for that reason the Higher Order will always be the "almost" and never the legitimate. They were the potential Kings after King Genshi but their blood was not chosen for royalty instead the Cauldron of Spirits continued with the bloodline of the late King.

Their power equalized of that of a Queen—can make laws but no actual jurisdiction and can influence but cannot be permitted to take full-control without legal or holy validation. Yet even with this disadvantage, if their laws were approved their laws were absolute and that was the very reason why the law of Ochi no de Scarlet Austarch should not be taken lightly.

"Segreth Wyman...What is a Prelate doing here in my brother's room?" Lucius questioned suspiciously.

"I am not your—"

"Shush Lucian. I don't have time for your bratty and conceited ass that went through a highly conceited law made from conceited assholes like him," the criminal cut me off and pointed rudely at Segreth.

Segreth merely stared impassively at Lucius before replying with:

"I am Prince Lucian's mentor after Prelate Iltut Le Lann's passing," Segreth told him.

Lucius's eyes mildly widened in what seemed to be a melancholic expression and tried to compose himself. "Iltut died?"

"He was executed due to unspeakable crimes that I am forbidden to relay especially to you," Segreth blatantly spoke back which only riled up Lucius into grabbing him barbarically and shoving him against the wall.

"Listen Bishop, Iltut was like a father to me and the only sane one in the Higher Order. I don't care what your orders are but I have the right to know!" he snarled angrily with much vexation in his voice.

Segreth was undeterred by the man's perturbation and stared directly into his eyes.

"Do you really wish to know?" Segreth questioned. "Do you really wish to know what Iltut did to the Prince? Can you really take it? Because even I cannot undo the results of what he has done."

Lucius dropped Segreth down to the ground and took a step back. "What are you saying?"

"Ochi sto de Scarlet Austarch...This law is still misunderstood by many especially the Royal Family. This was made by the Cysgod Knight whom the Scarlet King fell in love with. You think King Genshi did us all a favor by preventing its mandatory application but in truth it was quite the opposite. Iltut twisted the law and did what the Scarlet King could have done to those who would oppose him and unfortunately that's exactly what he did to Prince Lucian," Segreth explained.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now