17: Good-for-nothing

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We could still remember that day very clearly. It was the day when we finally made it through the storm of our pack's prejudice and aversion towards me and my wolf. It was the day when we were finally admired and acknowledged as an alpha worthy to lead the pack after my father. It was a day where we thought we finally won but ended up losing everything right before we can even start savoring the pride and dignity that we had just rebuilt.

We lost the pack that we were to lead in the future. We lost our family. We lost our home.

We did not have an idea of how long we kept running with our cousin, Ulmer. We never settled down in one place and kept adding distance between us and our home. Rain or shine, through drought and rot we kept going.

Almost every night we watched our pack get taken one by one behind our closed eyes. Almost every meeting with the moon was us reliving that horror over and over again and waking up to the same reality that led up to that dream.

In the end, all we could do was become the cowards we already were because that was what our papa told us to do-it was his final wish.

"Run Caleb, run! Don't ever look back!"

"I got food," Ulmer drawled and tossed a jackalope right in front of the fire we made for the night. "I'm not sharing it though so you hunt for your own because I'm starving!" he cackled.

"Ulmer won't share food?" Fenris asked.

"You know how he is Breux and for that reason whenever we hunt something good we're not sharing it with this stronzo (Son-of-a-bitch)," I replied.

I would be lying if I said that Ulmer wasn't always like this and that starvation made him selfish and self-centered, however; he was always conceited and inconsiderate even before this even happened. He was a self-serving asshole right to the core.

Ulmer despised me and I couldn't care less about him if he was suddenly mauled by dragons. Ever since we were kids he would always spark a competition between us to humiliate me and my wolf. Over the years he made the entire pack his admirers and while he was acknowledged left and right Fenris and I became isolated and treated as...just being there.

To the pack's viewpoint we were:

"Nothing special."

"Sorry excuse for an alpha."

"He's just the Chief's son with alpha blood on him."

"Ulmer is better. Ulmer will lead the pack after Alpha Culgan."

Basically, Ulmer was every parent's dream child, every omega's wet dreams and every alpha's rival while my wolf and I were every parent's frustration, every omega's turn off, and every alpha's laughingstock.

The reason why my pack detested us so much was because my wolf had no domineering features of an alpha. If my wolf had no intimidating and authoritative aura, I had no capability to run a pack of riotous, ferocious, and sanguinary pack of wolves.

Furthermore, werewolves were naturally-born to hunt, prey, and engage in roughhousing and my wolf was too affectionate and mellow for those kinds of activities. He would rather play with butterflies and chase the newly born pups all day than to "Do mean stuffs" to and with the pack members.

To their eyes we were a walking disaster and disappointment with zero survival instincts of a werewolf. We were only born to smear our race's predominance in this world and what pained us the most was the shame we brought to our papa.

"Droog, why do they hate us so much? Did Fenris do bad?" Fenris always asked me every time Ulmer and his circle of suck-ups manage to corner us.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now