40: To Create a God

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I entered the forest with the intention of finding my crow of sui generis nature and a teenager with a frame yet to mature. Failing to find them, I held the hand of someone different. His hand was rough, overly colossal, and hot yet I felt as if I was escorting a child through the woodland.

"Skwak-san what were you doing here?" I asked him.

Skwak was wearing his mask again despite my persistence that it was not needed. He would trip on his feet and had a hard time of keeping up with me which was a bit bizarre. Anyone and anything could have caught up with me.

"I did what Lucian said. I followed red hair," he replied.

Red hair?

My eyes widened when I figured out the real identity of Skwak.

"It was obvious really...."


Skwak jolted and he nodded fervently. "Yes, I Skwak."

"You should have told me sooner," I deadpanned.

"Nephew, I believe he did his best on trying to tell you that."

Squawkey's posture slouched and he visibly became saddened.

"Skwak is sorry..."

The corner of my lips curled a bit before I maintained a blank expression and rubbed Squawkey's hand with my thumb.

"I am merely kidding however; what happened to Saint? Do you know where he went?" I asked.

Squawkey nodded intensely and reported the result of his assignment.

"He met a gravid woman..."

I stopped at my feet and questions poured inside my head.

"What would he have to do with that gravid woman?" I asked.

Will I have to deal with another being under the species of Wye Fye again? My ankle was strangely perfectly healed but I was not willing to get shot for the second time. Perhaps I should take the initiative to shoot the arrow first for precautionary countermeasures.

"Skwak sure he is safe...No threat," he assured.

"I will put my faith in you then," I told him.

Once we arrived at the shrine, Kox was waiting for us. "You seemed to have found your third little chick," he commented.

I turned around to study Squawkey's size and found no little on him. "He is two feet taller than me."

Kox chuckled. "I only describe them as chicks because men like him will follow you everywhere."

"Men like him?"

Kox turned around. "You'll figure out what I mean in the future. For now, why don't you built a more stable house for us while we stay here? Crowley's banana-filled muscles are too much for the shrine's floor to handle."

A loud crack resonated from the shrine before three screams together with the chorus of the floor's wail of breaking sounded. Three bodies lied beneath the shrine and I released a sigh to their groans.

"Crowley, will you do the honor to demolish the shrine for us?"

I built a much bigger version of the shrine and Ziru excitedly rushed inside. "It'll be nice to have a mattress to sleep on," Crowley yawned.

Kox ripped one page out of his book and crumpled it before throwing it at one corner of the room. The crumpled paper became a mattress similar to what we had at the boonies.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now