44: God Resurrected

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A/N: Still on Rui's POV


"Crowley we're going to visit the village, okay?" Ziru spoke to the snoring adult monkey. 

Whoever formed this group really put the worse people together. It had an obnoxious rainbow-haired kid who can leap as high as the sky and shoot arrows with bare air, a hairy animal who raged and screamed banana everywhere, a blind and deaf brat who pretended to read and know every hair on your ass, and a paper blank man who can attract all the weirdos to his ass and seemed to like it.

Can this get any stranger?

The adult monkey continued to breathed loudly in his sleep and choked when a fly soared inside his mouth. Ziru and I cringed when the hanuman sat up as he coughed violently and held his neck. Once he was done choking to near death, he lied back down and turned away from Ziru before proceeding to snore like nothing happened.

"Where did the fly go?" Ziru asked.

I shrugged. "Straight into the doom of digestion probably."

Both of us got out of the shrine and left Crowley vulnerable for any monster attacks. He can handle himself; he was a capable adult monkey.

Lucian, Kox and that other weird sickly-looking guy were already gone when we woke up. Ziru kept bothering me about going to the village because he claimed that he saw something interesting to poke our noses into. 

I was only staying here because Sin commanded me to watch over his precious bed toy. I had no idea how this pesky rainbow-head got me to tag along with his annoying games. 

"There!" Ziru urgently whispered and pointed at a small tent that could fit two people. 

"What's in there?" I asked him. 

Ziru narrowed his gaze. "When we were waiting for Lucian-onii, I noticed that people kept on going inside that tent without coming back out. That tent can probably fit two to three people right?" he asked me.

"So you want to go inside?" I asked him. 

He rolled his eyes like it was the most obvious answer. "Duh."

I wasn't the one planning suicide here so why was I being talked down to like I invented stupidity?

I huffed. "I wasn't finished yet. So you want to get inside, get caught, and be part of whatever shit show these villagers have in their obviously cult-like activities?" 

I didn't care what these people were doing but there was really something bizarre going on here. There were more men than women and almost all of the women I was seeing had babies inside them. It could be coincidence so I try not to overthink it too much but it was still eldritch. How come grown-ups end up being worn down in the head?

"Are you coming or not?" Ziru asked me, hoping that I wouldn't choose the latter of the options.

"I'll just wait for you to become dead meat," I snorted causing his smile to drop. 

I had eaten children in the most part of my life so saying that I would consider eating Ziru didn't cause me any guilt. When I lived with Buck and the twins' wagon of brats, I thought it was strange to be playing with livestock. 

"Coward," he mocked me. 

"Like that's going to change my mind," I snorted before turning around to go back to the shrine. 

"We don't know where Lucian-onii is, maybe he's in there," Ziru said, causing me to pause.

Sneaky bastard.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now