63: Catastrophes (?)

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As we finally finished washing up, Peaches and I began to dress to continue our journey. Up until now, the reaper wasn't telling me who we were going to meet to help with my problem.

If those people can fix this, Lucius wouldn't be a panicking mess once we meet. I can already imagine what his reaction would be once he sees my lack of crown and the new additions to my body parts.

A dash of movement caught my eye, tousling the strings that were hanging quietly before.

Completely stealing my attention, I dropped my clothes and ambled to the last place where I saw the movement.

"You need to cover up," Peaches called out and was instantly trailing behind me.

He tied his cloak around my waist and let his bare chest out for everyone to admire.

"I saw someone," I said to Peaches.

My eyes kept looking around until I felt that Peaches was unresponsive. When my eyes met with his gaze, I saw his look of desire and fondness that he was caught in a daze.

And with that way of perceiving me, I too was caught in a daze as I admired his handsome face.

His warm hands slid across my back and he pulled me against him before engulfing my lips with his own. I grasped on his strong shoulders and he pulled me closer, our hips clashing with each other. He softly molded his lips against my mine, kissing me so intensely that my legs began to quiver. He held me securely as the sensation of our lips meshing together sent a rush of excitement and warmth across my body.

He took me to a different place that I didn't imagine being into.

His hand cradled the back of my head and our feet moved in circles as if he was taking me into a slow dance. With one last long kiss, our lips parted and our eyes opened at the same time.

"I can't stop...looking at you."

"Your stare is making me shiver," I bluntly told him.

It was as if I was fully bare in his eyes.

Our heads snapped to our right when we saw a child, dragging a dead asperger which seemed to be the one that Peaches kicked. He was humming gleefully.

The child was ghostly pale; his skin branched out dark veins similar to a catastrophe. His hair and eyes were completely consumed in darkness yet despite having the complete looks of a catastrophe, he didn't smell like one. He looked cleaner compared to us actually.

The little boy seemed to be so preoccupied with the dead asperger that he froze upon me greeting him.

"Konnichiwa (Hello)," I deadpanned.

His head moved comically and he blinked at us in confusion before falling back and crying out loud.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" he wailed and his snot ballooned adorably.

I did not know that catastrophes can be like this. They can be conversed with?

"Do not fret, we will not hurt you," I assured him.

As he calmed down, Peaches ruined our first impression...yet again.

"Move and you die a painful death," he threatened.

The boy took in a sharp gasp and wailed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

He looked at his prey and was about to do a leap but Peaches already had him by his collar.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be light and Let there be Darkness) Yaoi Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now