Chapter 47: Back in Business

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Two days have passed since the sports festival, and you're feeling as good as new. Sleeping for practically the entire time might have had something to do with that. Plus, it was raining, which always helps you feel better.

Not many people were on your commute to school, so it was a nice quiet walk. It was especially wonderful after discovering the video of you and Bakugou battling went viral on Instagram. Every major account from news to meme, had your battered face plastered on it. Specifically, when you bashed your head against the ice and passed out. Making a totally not awkward face. So wonderful. Especially the ones with Hollaback Girl edited over it. So great. 

A sigh escapes your lips, and you kick a rock at your feet. It goes off to the side into a bus stop a few meters ahead of you.

Inside, were a woman and her daughter. The two were soaked from the rain, and look up as the rock pings against the bottom of glass.

You make eye contact, and the little girl starts violently shaking her mother's shoulder.

"Mama, mama, mama!! Look! It's the girl from the tv!!!" You hear her exclaim as you slip your phone into your pocket and walk up.

The woman chuckles at her daughter's enthusiasm and smiles at you. "Sorry about her, she watched your fights during the sports festival and hasn't stopped talking about you since."

"Woah, really? I'm honored! What's your name?" You smile at the girl as you step inside the bus stop.

"I'm Aoi! I wish my quirk was like yours! It's so cool!!"

"Thank you! Do you have a quirk?"

"She just started developing it last month, but Aoi here can make flowers."

"Wow! That's a wonderful quirk!"

The girl looks down at her shoes. "I guess... Mama can grow big plants though..."

"Do you want to know a secret?" You crouch down in front of Aoi. She nods. "When I first got my quirk, all I could do was leak water. My hands and feet were always wet, so I thought I'd never be able to be a hero. My parents had to follow me around with a mop and towel! But, with a lot of practice and effort, I learned how to control the water. And now, I can even make it ice or steam! See?"

You stick your arm back out in the rain, soaking it almost immediately. You pull it back into the bus stop and show it to her. Motioning for her to step back, you dry your sleeve.

"Woah! Can you do that to me?"

"If your mom's okay with it," you say. The woman nods and thanks you.

"No problem!" You quickly remove the water soaking the girl and do the same for her mother. The little girl giggles with excitement as she watches the water evaporate.

"Woah!!! Again, again!"

The woman scoops Aoi up in her arms and chuckles at her daughter's enthusiasm. "Sorry about her, and thank you so much."

You smile and say, "It's no problem at all! Here! Take my umbrella; I don't need it."

"Are you sure? You don't have to-"

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