Chapter 54: No Rest for the Wicked

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A loud alarm awakens you from your deep sleep. You yelp and shoot straight up in bed, slamming your hand down on your phone to shut it off. 

Only, your phone is silent, and the alarm is coming from the building. A voice comes over the PA system.

"Attention all personnel! Intruder located on the first floor! Requiring backup and assistance! Intruder has a flame quirk and appears to be arson inclined! Requesting personnel to the scene ASAP!"

You jump out of bed and grab the suit button and slap it to the chest of your pyjamas. The suit activates and covers your body in the protective layer.

As you throw your shoes on, the watch on your wrist flashes and rings. You tap on it to answer and see a woman who you don't recognize on the interface.

"Hey, trainee! Firetamer is out right now and I'm in charge! You've got a good quirk for this, but don't get cocky! I'm heading to the first floor now, meet me there, but do not interact with the intruder! We don't know how dangerous they are yet and I'm not having you get hurt under my watch!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"I'm not old! Don't call me ma'am!"


"Call me Sierra, now take the fire pole at the end of the hall to your left."

You do as she says and jump down. As you slide, you hear a lot of commotion below you. Before hitting the ground, a flash of flames shoots across the floor, and you quickly blast water down as you land.

"Shit!! Good job, trainee!" You look up to see the same woman from your watch across the foyer.

A hooded figure stands in the center of the room holding both arms partially upright on either side of them, red flames dancing around their fingertips.

Before you've had much time to react, Sierra slams a fist into the figure's cheek, knocking their hood back and revealing a startled face as he stumbles.

"No one hurts our trainee on my watch!!"

The man raises his palm as if to swipe her with the flames covering it.

"Watch out!" You yell, and shoot a blast of water at his hand. The flames go out and he whips his head back in your direction.

"Don't look away from me, punk!" Sierra hits him again, this time in the stomach. He doubles over and clutches it with the hand you hit as he tries to stay standing. Raising his other hand, he attempts to catch her again with his flames.

As he does, the front doors fly open and an object comes hurtling in. It hits him square in the nose, and he falls to the ground.

You jog over to Sierra as Kai comes down the pole. You notice the other staff members that are gathered in the room surrounding Sierra and the intruder.

"Man, she really did a number on him with that..." Kai sighs as he catches up to you. A glasses case lays on the ground next to the man. It must have been what knocked him out.

You look up towards the door to see Firetamer and her wife, Dia, coming in.

"Wow, Firetamer, you have a good throw!" You say.

"Oh that wasn't me," she smiles.

You shift your gaze back to Dia who looks furious. She's a petite woman with long blonde hair, and striking green eyes.

"Do you know how hard it is to get away for a nice date night, and now we're coming home finding someone's broken in to the station?!" She shouts at the man, who is still unconscious at your feet.

"Don't worry, Dia, me and the trainee handled him pretty well!"

"Why is the trainee down here? She could have gotten hurt!" Sierra stiffens and looks nervous as Dia scolds her.

"Well you see..."

Firetamer chuckles and pats Dia's shoulder. "It's alright, dear. I did tell Sierra she was in charge while I was gone."

Dia seems to relax a bit, and she sighs. "You're right, I'm sorry, Sierra. Thank you for handling it."

"Well, you delivered the final blow!" Sierra relaxes, and grabs the intruder by his collar.

He jumps awake, but before trying anything he sees the ominous evil glare in Dia's eyes, almost daring him to start the fight again.

He gulps and looks around at the sizable crowd of staff surrounding him and decides to be smart. He raises his hands in the air in surrender.

"Alright wise guy, what was your goal here?" Firetamer asks as she walks up to him. "Thought you'd be able to burn the place down while I was out and distracted?"

He doesn't respond to her and looks around nervously.

"You should know, all of my staff are trained for combat, quirk or not. It was a mistake forgetting that we're a hero agency, not just a fire station."

The sound of sirens can be heard from the street, and their lights soon fill the room.

"Right on time." Kai says.

"You called them already?" You ask.

"Didn't need to, the second someone not authorized to be in the building enters outside of public hours, they trip the alarm. Doesn't matter how they get in, whether it's through a door or window." Kai explains.

"How does it know?"

"That I'm not sure of, Engitech didn't disclose the details, but I'm guessing some kind of biometrics. It's best if we don't know, anyways."

"That's true..."

Two police officers walk into the building through the open doors. One of the two nods at Firetamer and asks what happened. She calls Kai over, and he goes to explain to the officers.

Sierra helps the second officer put the intruder in special cuffs that will suppress his fire. As everyone else moves around, Dia comes over to you and apologizes for the commotion.

"I'm sure you were hoping for a good sleep tonight after the busy first day you had, I'm glad to see you wearing the watch I gave you. Did it come in handy?"

"Yes, thank you! Sierra called me on it when the alarm went off and was able to tell me what was happening. I'm glad I put it on before bed."

"Yes, you should keep that watch on the entire time you're here, just in case. Don't worry about the mess down here, and go back up to bed. We'll take care of everything, and fill you in on the details in the morning, okay?"

You nod and thank her.

"Do you need anything before you go back up to sleep? Water? A snack? You didn't get hurt right?"

"I'm all good, thank you so much!"

"Are you sure?"

"Really, I'm fine."

She smiles and sends you off. You wave to Sierra as you head towards the elevator and she gives you a thumbs up back.

When you get back to your room, you look at the time on your watch. Oh god, I have to be up in a couple of hours...

You sigh as you kick your shoes off, disconnect the suit, and crawl back into bed.

Almost as quickly as you awoke, you find yourself drifting off once again.

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