The wrestling tournament

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Hayabusa woke up in the middle of the night to get water from the kitchen. He was walking to the kitchen when he heard that the music was still playing and there was a mild background noise. He went over to see what's going on in the living to see the huge mess and all of them slumped together in the middle while snoring loudly.
"I should get a picture of this," thought Hayabusa and searched for his phone. He found it and took a snap. "This is gonna be very funny when I show them tomorrow. What a waste of electricity too."
He turned the television and the lights off and went off to sleep.
The next day, the girls woke up late. They were woken up from the sound of loud heavy metal music. When they woke up they saw that the television was playing the music and the boys were laughing not far off. They purposely played that music to give the girls a start to wake them up.
"How rude!" said Ayane. "You just played the loudest music that you can find too!"
"Well yeah," said Hayabusa. "We tried to wake you up but you just continued to snore."
"And clean this mess up," said Hayate. "We have a mission."
"A mission?" asked Kasumi, rubbing her eyes. "A mission to do what?"
"Hunt down Rig and Donovan," said Hayate. "Quickly get dressed. You wanna come too, Honoka?"
"Yeah sure," said Honoka. "But I don't have a ninja outfit."
"Can you wear mine?" asked Sakura. "I have an extra and it's a little loose."
"Yeah I believe I can," said Honoka. "But I should try first."
She tried it on and it fit her perfectly. The pants were a little too long so she had to fold it.
"Yahoo this is my first ever ninja mission," said Honoka. "This should be exciting."
"So where are we gonna look?" asked Kasumi. "Do we have to go all the way to New York?"
"No I don't think so," said Hayate. "I think he's in Osaka."
"So you wanna go to a wrestling tournament with ninja outfits?" asked Kasumi. "We'll stick out like a sore thumb!"
"Hmm good point," said Hayate. "We should pack our ninja outfits."
"Oh are we gonna stay then?" asked Honoka. "That would be hard..."
"Yes it will," said Ayane. "You sure you wanna come?"
"Yes I want to," said Honoka. "I'll tell my mother."
She texted her mom and her mom gave her another green light. She wasn't so worried about Honoka because she was with her cousins and sister.
"Yay she agreed," said Honoka. "I'll come, but I don't have any clothes..."
"That's okay," said Kasumi. "It's not even a big deal. We just need to get you some clothes, and you're good."
So they went shopping for clothes so that Honoka can pack. They took the bullet train to Osaka. They went to a hotel that was near the ones that Bass and Tina were staying at. Foxy and Diana didn't want to come but since Kula insisted, they let her go with them. They had to book three rooms since the hotel only offered a maximum of three beds in each room. Kasumi, Honoka and Kula shared one room, Ayane, Hayate and Ryu shared one room while the clones shared another room. They decided that they would meet at Ayane, Hayate an Ryu's room because it was in the middle.
"What time does the tournament start?" asked Hayate. "It's today right?"
"Yes it is," said Kasumi. "It starts in about an hour."
"Then I guess we better get moving," said Ayane. "Kasumi, can I change in your room?"
"Sure come in," said Kasumi. The rooms were adjoining. Ayane brought her clothes to Kasumi's room and changed. They decided to wear casual clothes. They decided to wear hoodies. Kasumi wore a blue one, Ayane wore a purple one, Sakura wore a red one, Daisy wore a black one, Mist wore a light pink one, Hayate wore a black and blue one, Ryu wore a black and white one, Honoka wore a light pink one while Kula wore a spice berry-coloured one.
"What a colourful team," said Kasumi. "I guess we better hide our faces as best as we can."
"You look like a Phase 4 clone," said Ayane. "Only, you're wearing a blue hood instead of black."
"You're mistaken, let me correct it," said Kasumi. "The Phase 4 clones look like me."
They went to the stadium where the tournament was. Bass and Tina were having a tag team match in the ring. Rig was nearby cheering for them.
"You go, old man Bass!" said Rig. "Right on! Hit 'em hard!"
"Should we kidnap him?" asked Kasumi. "I don't think he's aware of that mind control thing."
"Yes we should," said Hayate. "But just not now."
"We need to question him nicely," said Ryu. "And tell him about it. Maybe he can help us find out about where Donovan is."
"I think it's best if we ask Bass to bring him to us," said Hayate. "He doesn't trust us, especially since I tried to fight him during the sixth tournament."
"Yeah that's a good idea," said Kasumi. "But Bass looks a little... tied up now. We have to wait for him and Tina to finish that battle."
Just when she finished saying that, the crowd started cheering and the announcer announced that Bass and Tina won.
"The winner is..." said the announcer. "The Muscle Team!"
The Armstrongs were leaving the ring while giving each other a high five.
"Quick, lets talk to them before the paparazzi catches them!" said Hayate. They ran towards them and caught up to the Armstrongs and they were startled.
"What brings you ninjas 'ere now?" asked Bass. "What do ya guys want?"
"We need you to do us a favour," said Hayate. "Could you bring Rig to us and help us explain to him about the fact that he's being mind controlled?"
"Sure I will, Ninja-man," said Bass. "I'll bring him tonight, but where do ya want me bring him?"
"To the hotel right in front of the one you're staying at," said Kasumi. "You can't miss it. We'll be at room 303."
"We'll be there," said Tina. "We want to know too. We don't want whoever who's messing with him to bring him to evil."
"Yes thank you," said Hayate. Just then they heard someone approaching.
"Hey my man, Bass!" said Rig. "Congratulations on winning there!"
"Can I have your autograph?" asked Hayate quickly while giving out a notebook with a pen. "I'm a big fan."
Bass and Tina understood and quickly signed it. The ninjas thanked the Armstrongs and quickly left.
"That was close!" said Ryu. "Luckily you got that idea to ask for their autograph."
"I had it planned," said Hayate. "Because Rig is bound to look for Bass after the match so I had to look for an excuse if he suddenly appeared."
"It was a good idea," said Kasumi. "Or else Rig would have been very suspicious and ran away."
"We better go get lunch," said Hayate. "We have to have energy."
"Yay food!" said Kula. "I'm very hungry right now... can I have ice cream?"

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